
Not true, Mr. Hipster. It's the End of the World as We Know It remains a staple on ironic 90s-themed playlists at colleges parties across the nation.

I always found it funny…
That Bill & Ted's vocabulary was as good as it was. They were supposed to be complete idiots, but they knew the word "egregiously." I don't think I knew that word until college and I graduated high school with honors.

We gonna jump or jerk off?

I liked the older middle eastern guy in that movie. Glad it wasn't him.

Seeing that he was involved gave me a little bit of hope for this movie. I think it could end up being being pretty cool as long as his script doesn't get bounced around in rewrite hell.

In elementary school…
I was made fun of because I was the only kid in my class who didn't read these books. I thought they would scare me, so I steered clear. I did watch "Are You Afraid of the Dark," though.

Titles my dad has given shows over the years:

I think she dated Apu in "Lisa's Pony." She actually had a line or two there.

Yeah, isn't the opening sequence to Raiders taken straight out of an old Scrooge comic, right down to the boulder chasing them out of the cave?

*then dances with Ronald McDonald*

I can only hope
If this is anything like Steve Martin's guest appearance on "The Muppet Show" then it will be the greatest awards show ever.

There was a rumor that Disneyland was considering bringing Captain EO back after Jackson died. I don't think they'll actually do it, but they really should. That would rule so much.

Dangerous is rad because it's got "Stranger in Moscow" on it, and that was the end credits theme for Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

Weren't the seagulls in "Finding Nemo" designed to look like the penguin in "Wrong Trousers?"

I will not stand for that dig Sonic the Hedgehog's emotive range. Whenever he loses all of his rings, you can just *see* the pain in his eyes as he is knocked back a few feet.