
This… guy
I think this show is finally hitting its groove, much like Frisky Dingo did after a shaky start. I also like Cyril and Archer shenanigans, which happened a lot more earlier on until Cyril faded into the background.

I don't think it's a bad thing that he was unpopular on a set with Ashton "Punk'd" Kutcher, Wilmer "Yo Mamma" Valderamma, Danny "Hail Xenu" Masterson, another super hot scientologist and a fourteen year old.

Mystery Machine
I appreciated having a character named Scooby get everyone super full on sandwiches. I also thought the "doing a terrible job a watching a friends pet" plot was way funnier with an actual person.

Great Balls of Fire
That was like a Lost episode in every good way. Flashbacks are much more powerful when you use them sparingly. Plus those two kids actually could discern and act out the mannerisms of their adult counterpoints down which was a surprising bonus.

Coo coo ca choo
Jack Donaghy's legacy was to create talking walruses, an infinitely more important endeavor for science than talking whales.

This is like a golden age of TV comedy. Every show was on the top of their game tonight (obviously excluding Perfect Couples Be Crazy and Outsourced Indians Be Crazy). Including Archer that's some two hours of pure awesome.

One of the most important Michael scenes ever
When Packer confesses that he knows he's a crazy piece of shit and asks if Michael won't give up on him and Michael responds with an extremely sincere "I'm not." Also shout out to Amelie Gillette. Come back and guest review your own episode.

Wee Baby Seamus should change his name to Baby LaMont.

More succinct metaphor: Chuck chooses to use tranquilizer darts and the reviewer is pissed that there are a lack of bullets on the show.

I meant no disrespect. Chuck has a unique vibe, and you either go with it or you don't. If you don't that's fine, but is this show that aims to be nothing more than fun really deserving of all this vitriol week in and week out? I come here for legitimate criticism, and when the reviewer trots out the argument that

I'm calling that Vivian is Chuck's half sister
Also dude just stop reviewing the show. It's going out big, wrapping up major arcs in style. If you don't like them don't dedicate the effort to shitting all over it. The people that don't appreciate Yvonne Strahovski dual wielding uzis while standing out of a sun roof

I was wary of the direction the show was heading last week what with the baby mama drama and Peter having to choose between Olivias. But this week with the introduction of emotional quantum entanglement, Earth 1 discovering a potential solution to the end of the world, Walter's reluctant willingness to amber a

Can you imagine a series based on the whole Morrison run? How insane would that be.

Tyler Labine is fucking funny, I don't care what anyone else says. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is about as close as we're gonna get to an American Shaun of the Dead, in other words, it's a stone cold classic.

I know I'm pissing into the wind here
But that was a damn fine episode of Chuck. You had the acknowledgment that all the baby stuff had run its course, Casey 127 Hours'd inside a wall and still managing to cap three bitches, a goddess in a belly dancer's outfit, Beckman firing off an RPG dirty blond style, and John

You know lol has lost its meaning
I rarely laugh out loud when watching a show or movie solo, but dammit if I wasn't giggling the entire way through Barney's emotional breakdown to Marshall's accidental inclusion of Colonel Mustard into the love triangle.

See I kind of viewed it as a metaphysical horror movie. Throughout the movie you start to realize that the kid has a lot of repressed feelings and is severely damaged from the trauma in his childhood. He experienced much more pain than happiness in his life, and yet he is still unable to let go of his earthly desires

This went from great
to awesome to mindblowingly amazing. I thought Jeffster was going to potentially ruin what was a perfect A episode of Chuck. I was wrong. They pushed it real good into an A+. Best Chuck episode ever.

I flipped through the first MTV episode having seen a few of the British version. It was strangely still very British and Tony was simply an asshole instead of a misguided sociopathic genius. But this episode is a whole different story. I don't remember much specifically about Tea's British counterpart, but her story

Holy shit
How did I not know about The Fall? Thanks for the tip it is amazing. Perfect counterbalance to Plastic Beach.