
Undeclared and (more overtly) Freaks and Geeks are depressingly true to life. It's just people fucking around and freaking out because they are baffled by what is happening around them and the way things are. That's why their so funny because their true. If you ever had a friend who was subjecting himself to severe

There is no way that the writers are stupid enough to have Quinn be stupid enough to think everything is okay with Dexter. Quinn hired a Robocop to tail Dexter, Robocop freaked out and wouldn't let it go, and they were in constant contact up until the moment he was murdered. There is no way he is thinking it was

When you say everything is back to the status quo you fail to mention the fact that Quinn knows about Dexter and is cool with it. Pretty big deal.

Saw it once
and flipped for it. Bought the DVD a year ago and I have yet to watch it again.

This episode changed the tone of the entire season. Instead of being about a benevolent gangster trying to maintain power it turns into a vindictive sociopath lying his ass off to everyone. I am firmly rooting for the "Let's ignore the fact that I raped your mom" gang. Jimmy's in need of more people to kill, what

Shane is the stupidest cop in the world.
"I can't hear a faint heartbeat over the gunfire, explosions, and screaming. Is there maybe another way to see if he's alive. That machine with the lines over there? Nah. Isn't there some other method for when a policeman is determining whether a non-responsive person is dead

Also Robin become slowly in love with Wang Guy because of his boldness. A la Nakedman.

I think you're on to something because he fucked her like Heath Ledger fucked his wife in Brokeback Mountain. Also my god Paz de la Huerta is comfortable with her sexuality. Between this show and Enter the Void it's hard to picture her as a character that doesn't get down really hard on a regular basis.

Someone should investigate the genealogy of Omar. Dollars to donuts Chalky shares a few badass motherfucker chromosomes with him.

My take on Britta's 'tude in the beginning and her appearance in the Eyes Wide Shut part of the fort was to illustrate how she once again claims to be above childish things (like building a fort) and then in hypocritical fashion plays in the fort. But only in the cool orgy room.

I'm trapped like a rat! Bash me Frank!
What a life.

Fuck yeah
I can't wait to see the badassery unleashed on Earth 2 when Ourlivia and Broyles2 combine forces to wreak havoc.

I think that we can now say that a show is "like" Arrested Development.
Although they are wildly different shows, Community and AD seem to hit the same tonal sweet spot. So let's enjoy it while we can before it gets mainstream popular and we have to initiate Protocol Omega to destroy our Fort City.

It was good
to see Annie's Bboobs again.

This episode kinda blew my mind. The First People reveal was pretty shocking and left field in an awesome way. I think the advanced people who existed before the dinosaurs are the reason why Earth 2 is so technologically superior to Earth 1. They crossed over and advanced what would have been our time

Lethal Weapon 5
Directed by:
Dennis Reynolds

That was some old school batshit crazy random South Park. I loved it almost as much as Kenny hates his superpower.

Well you should.

Have you ever seen a zombie movie before Leonard? Merle was exactly a tool for plot complications, there's one for every pack of survivors trying not to become meat. It's not in the realm of implausibility that a racist, sexist, egotistical fucktard wouldn't change his stripes just because the whole world did. The

In my humble opinion
This was better than the first episode. Although the first episode was all kinds of awesome, it kind of left me cold because it wasn't really anything we hadn't seen before in a zombie movie. While this episode did take place in a department store, they really started to freshen up the genre