
I stand corrected ccfodder. I meant the comedies that most people ignore in order to watch dumber and more racist comedy because it feels comfortable and validates their opinions. Also SATFS, I think you should get some sort of internet trophy for that comment. You don't normally see a rational non-vitriolic

Double Trouble
I think the whole overt focus on the amber and Olivia being trapped served more purpose than you give it credit for. The amber conspiracy simultaneously shows how much power Walter has over Earth 2 (power he would probably have in Earth 1 if Bell hadn't taken his brain apart), and how ruthless he is in

I enjoy this show
But calling The League this year's Parks and Rec is fucking heresy. It is easily the worst show out of all of the comedies on on Thursday and it is definitely the worst written. The plots seemed to be based around making sure that they intertwine at the end rather than having any semblance of

Yeah, the last five minutes were some of the funniest minutes of South Park in recent memory. Everything from "Fuck New Jersey!" on was perfect.

What with Sick Boy being revealed as the motivational speaker and Boyd saying Dexter has no idea what he is getting into I think we're in for some crazy shit. "Take it" is either gonna be some subliminal message thing or a full on secret fucked up cult that traffics girls so its followers can "set them free."

Strike that, reverse it
I don't know what game you were playing, but if anything the story and the characters are much better than the simplistic (but very fun) combat mechanics. It's one of the best narratives in a game in a while. It was written by Alex Garland and is a very interesting look into at our society

This show is great now
Ever since the focus shifted from Jonathan's PI cases to the pot addled misadventures of three good friends who lean on each other through all the shit that falls on them it has been awesome. "George, you're the best stoner I know," is one of the simultaneously most funny, heartfelt, and awesome

If Rubicon is a one season wonder, then it will be one of the best ever. Anything could happen in literally every scene. I expected people to start getting offed one by one. I started to surmise that Kateb was connected Atlas a little while ago, but having it come to fruition and watching all of the pieces come

Quack honk boioinoinoing bell whistle peeewww
Was that a laser?

This season is on a completely different level from the other two. It went from goofy sci-fi serial with a lot of filler to an hour of tense, well plotted appointment television.

The Oil Spill (in my pants)
I think the whole Annie/Brita subplot was a bit forced, but that's because there was still unresolved tension between the two of them (and maybe that's why the rest of the plots felt off too, because there was no group dynamic). I also liked how the lesson was not that girls can be petty

Am I wrong or did I see him getting shoved into the bushes near the oil spill sexyathon?

One question
Will it sync up with The Wizard Oz if you start them both after the lion roars?

Is there not gonna be any Metalocalypse coverage. Because this season is so "guitar riff"ing metal.

I don't know how you can say it had inconsistent plotting. There were a bunch of season long threads: Jim's promotion as an equal to Michael, Jim and Pam dealing with the less glamorous aspects of marriage and having a baby, Michael's continuing misadventures in his quest for love after Holly, and Dunder Mifflin's

I'm sick and tired of people saying they are sick and tired.
Look, I'll admit that the Office has had some peaks and valleys. Last season was consistently great, tonight's was awesome, and people need to lighten up and stop comparing everything to the mythical season 2. If you say you're a fan and you can't enjoy

Fucking classic
And I'm not patronizing. That final shot with the blown up shrimp/diddy boat sinking and Mr. Wavy just dancing away is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

I'm surrounded by assholes!

Holy fucking shit fuck
That was amazing. My impossibly high expectations were exceeded.

Pretty colors
I was zoned out on my couch one day high as a motherfucking kite and an episode of Justice League Unlimited came on. I used to love DC comics when I was a kid, so needless to say I was blown away by the sheer awesomeness of it. I got the whole series and watched it, lighting up during the opening credits