
That was an A episode all around, and I have been lukewarm about this season. I could wax rhapsodic about how beautiful and hilarious Kenny's transformation was (his lengthy goodbye to his kids had me tearing up from laughter and melancholy at the same time which was a new viewing experience for me), but instead in

I just logged back in to say that in all my years of frequenting this website and thinking about and loving all manners of episodic television The Doomstar Requiem was one of the very best things I've seen. The fact that the place that honed my love of the medium doesn't recognize it's utter brilliance am total

I loved practically everything about this episode as I, like Noel, have a very high tolerance for sci-fi shenanigans that don't always make complete sense (on a side note having Desmond on Fringe was a passing of the torch as far as I'm concerned). But there was one thing that continues to nag me and that is the role


I'm glad to see Fringe revisit one of its strongest previous ideas, romantic quantum entanglement. For a second there I thought that the blue universe was colliding with the amber one, which would have been mindfuckery of the highest degree. I really like the notion that with Olivia's sudden transformation and

Maybe it was one of his doublekeggers.

Also I just read over on Uproxx that Matt Thompson said that they had the third season for Dingo mapped out and it took place entirely on Killface's home planet. That made my soul hurt from the sheer potential awesomeness that we'll never get to see.

I haven't seen Frisky Dingo in entirely too long. What were these references you speak of? Is BOK BOK just something Killface says at some point?


In this fucked up age of cynicism that we live in Chuck managed to eschew convention and be a successful five year ode to joy, warmth, friendship, possibility and most importantly love. I don't think a show has ever made me feel this purely happy and I don't think one ever will. Goodbye Chuck. A+.

Ahhh sweet validation. I find it hard to wade through this new commenting system to see who said what when but I was fairly proud of my observation at the time, and even more so now. Thanks for the awesome season of recaps.

C'mon Donna, soundandfury may have identified the plant, but I was the one who commented on the significance of what I thought was the most overlooked scene of last week, the gun spinning scene. I won.

I really liked the way the wheel of fate was falling on Walt as he spun the gun. But why did the third spin land on a plant? Wasn't there mention of ricin being derived from a plant?

Don't get me wrong, I've always loved Archer, but tonight's episode seemed like a transition into something way better than what we have previously come to expect from the show. Everything from the numerous callbacks, extremely rapid fire dialogue, unabashed randomness, and esoteric silliness made it seem like a much

That almost brought me to tears.

An A episode for me. This is how you reinvent a show my friends. Fringe has never had the strict canon of a more complex show, but once they figured out what kind of show it was it was plunged head first into the great beyond. I can't think of any other show that has just said fuck it in such a glorious way.

Once again everyone seems to be missing the point
This season has gone a long way towards showing that Walt still has a conscience. Despite his ability to kill and appear calculating and ruthless, all of his actions are still of Walter White the chemistry teacher, not Heisenberg the kingpin. He is constantly in a

Actually, the lack of recognition for this episode is kind of pissing me off, considering how iconic it was. I could write paragraphs trying to encapsulate why this was a perfect hour of television and I still wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface. Breaking Bad has become the poetic illustration of what it has

I'm not getting the hate. There was not one thing wrong with that episode from amazing opening to ominous finish. Best of the season for sure.

That look
Jesse meeting Gus's post-murder gaze while Walt sat there dry heaving was fucking bone chilling. That and his demeanor at the diner has me excited for his arc this season.