
Yeah I concur it felt like two steps backwards. After defining the characters pretty well last season I was expecting more than just shitting on Paul Scheer for twenty minutes. But I do appreciate Ambrosia and the wife setting my TV on fire.

Methinks they're switching it up this season
It was jarring at first to have a non-self-contained episode of Sunny, but it should be fun to see what they can do with overarching plotlines. Plus they brought the fucking funny. I really want to see the role-swapping blackface Lethal Weapon 5. It was also

Two brilliant things that were omitted.
The bearded worker guy puffing on a cig while recrucifying Jesus was a pretty powerful image. And Louie's fat little fucker of a friend might have been the best fat little fucker ever put to screen. Flipping off the nun, flexing for his classmates, and taking a shit on a

Abandon all hope
Seriously, this has got to mean we are living in one of the circles of hell.

Good lord was that painfully hilarious to watch. And strangely cathartic. As much as it sucks to admit, there are vindictive assholes in the world, and some of them happen to be parents. It was comforting to see an introspective man like Louis CK struggling to find reasons to love his mother, and dealing with the

That was a little further from reality than the other episodes, and it was better for it.

The entire free fall of the van sequence was fucking heart stopping.

Wait let me get this straight so if two people have differing opinions on a piece of art, one of them is wrong? I'm not allowed to like movies and TV shows and want to hear what others think about them if I don't like critics? Also, cloying, stupid, annoying, twee, look at me I'm redundant on purpose internet speak is

Apologies to the makers of this podcast. I was cynically fearing the worst. Maybe it was because you tried to remain spoiler free, and maybe this is a testament to the film, but it seemed like your ability to enjoy it wasn't hindered by the need to criticize. It certainly has flaws if you look hard enough, but the

@Donald: No I don't, have you seen the movie yet? If you can't find something to like in it then fine. I just cannot relate to you at all.

Banned in DC, obviously I have no problem listening to critics discuss the relative merits of a movie, but often I don't agree that their "insights" have any merit at all. For me personally a movie has three jobs, creating a world/story to get lost in, artfully exploring the ideas it puts forth, and keeping the viewer

This is a dream
And they're trying to plant the idea that we already listened to this podcast. In all seriousness, I hate movie criticism in general and take it with a grain of salt, but if you nasally motherfuckers try deconstructing the shit out of the best piece of pure entertainment in years, maybe the decade, I'm

I'm all for people having their own opinions
But the people who jump on the inevitable backlash wagon for this movie either hate themselves or hate movies in general. Best summer movie I can remember seeing in theaters. It's the definition of epic blockbuster. A pleasant reminder that creativity isn't dead, and

The moment in the credits
that sums up this show perfectly is when Louie is eating pizza in the doorway and a group of kids walk by and one of them flips the camera off. Louie notices, and you can see in his eyes that he wants to smile but he tries to keep a straight face and just takes another bite of pizza. I didn't

Temple Extra, you read my fucking mind. All this purgatory talk has got me thinking everyone is stupid or I am. The idea that the Losties gained the ability to create a purgatory out of the blue (off-screen) when we have never even come remotely close to seeing anything like that previously on the show is absolutely

@Yeah Ok - I'm about to make your day. Apparently the showrunners are creating a new series set in the Avatar universe called the Legend of Korra. I heard it's going to be set another 100 years into the future from the end of the last series. It's going to be officially announced pretty soon:

Having just recently burned through the cartoon in three weeks
This makes me especially sad. If there was anything that ever needed more positive exposure to the general public, it's Avatar: The Last Airbender. It successfully combined kick ass action, storytelling, and mythology with some pretty heavy philosophical

@Jorge-If I remember correctly New Path is a nationwide, extremely profitable organization. If the police weren't flat out a branch of New Path they most certainly would be unable to infiltrate and expose such a large conspiracy due to the rigorous psychological testing of the people who are sent there. The two agents

And I guess that I just don't know
I assume that this will be tackled at a later date, but how can you talk about the fictional drugs and consequences in A Scanner Darkly and not talk about the role that New Path plays in perpetuating the abuse of Substance D? I haven't read this book in a while, but I seem to

You might think that I float, you know, maybe even walk on water and stuff. I'm here to tell you that sometimes I drink out of volcanoes.