
I really don't get the hate
Ellis has nothing to say? His characters are vapid? He is a douchebag? What the fuck people. His books are some of the most rewarding reading experiences I've ever had. It might be that I started reading him at an impressionable young age, but I am baffled at some of the vitriolic

I would disagree. Regardless of whether it was intentional or not this season showed how insanely over their heads Walt and Jesse have become and dealt with their ridiculous attempts to convince themselves that they were anything but stone cold motherfuckers. Despite the violence and death swirling all around them,

And with this episode
Breaking Bad shot the Wire in its face. I am literally stunned at how every scene tonight was perfect.

Add another vote to the secret success column. It's Ferrell and McBride running around in an interdimensional wasteland where anything is possible. I mean come on. Plus it's awesome to see Matt Lauer get his comeuppance.

$10 to the first person
Who superimposes Walt into the classic Scarface pose and puts it on a t-shirt and gives it to me.

Walter's never going to be redeemed for Jane's death, and he has accepted that. Jesse even said that if she hadn't died they would have both been dead within the week. Jesse is the one person who hasn't completely given up on Walt, and he definitely has more of an affinity for Jesse than he let's on. The most

A day hasn't gone by
since the day I first saw Fuck Shit Stack that I haven't watched it. That shit is genius. He deconstructs everything wrong with the rap game while simultaneously creating an awesome rap song using just his voice, a bunch of swear words, no instrumentals, and every cliche in the book. I kind of

And ok maybe fucktard was a little harsh but my frustration is still there. I mean Christian said they "created this place so they could be together." What makes more sense, that (at some point which we didn't see) the Losties gained the magical powers to create a purgatory for themselves, or that they blew up the

No offense to you St. God, but I am baffled at how many people are running with this whole purgatory/waystation to the afterlife theory. Let's run it down again. What happened happened. The Losties experienced everything that happened on the island, because it happened in the original timeline and could not be

Wrong Refn Movie
You should have picked One Eye from Valhalla Rising. Awesome demonic warpaint tattoos.

It wasn't purgatory fucktards
Nor was it heaven. When the bomb went off the original timeline vanished and was replaced with the timeline we saw at the end. The on island stuff we saw was just memories of the other timeline, "flashbacks" if you will. Desmond was correct in saying none of it mattered after Smokey was

Shit I just posted about this but Red Dead Redemption is so fucking awesome that it bears repeating. Red Dead Redemption is so fucking awesome.

Somewhat related
Everyone here needs to play Red Dead Redemption ASAP. It's like playing a spaghetti western. GTA with a way better story, dialogue, themes, guns, soundtrack and most of all the awesome setting.

The moment that this show eclipsed the Office
Was the moment that it referenced Archer. Danga Zone!

Good lord people
What show are you watching? There was an abundance of hilarity tonight. They had not one but two classic Toby-getting-shit-on scenes.

Contender for best line ever
"You're a liar! Everyone has rain gutters!"


I don't wanna sound like a pussy
So I'll preface this by saying that Sarah is hot as fuck and I would do terrible, terrible things to be in Chuck's shoes: Their relationship is kind of sweet, right? Now that they are finally together I find myself caring about Chuck and Sarah in the action scenes because if one of

Awesome episode
You had the witty interplay between every character, and each character had their own funny and nice moments that remind us who these people are-PPPPFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTT!

It was no ordinary drama
It's all about the subtext. Walt is simultaneously in shock, feeling responsible for Hank's situation, listening to Jesse get blamed for it, using this opportunity to open up to his family while still lying to them, and doing a damn good job of being strong and comforting father.. Skylar is