
Ready to Rumble
This was a staple on one of the movie channels when I was younger, and I remember it being insanely stupid yet insanely entertaining. I thought that I was looking through the rose colored tints of nostalgia when it came to Ready to Rumble, but I caught it on one of the movie channels at four in the

His unabashed desire to bed Michael Cera in the most grotesque ways imaginable was the one funny part of the movie. Ollie Platt fucking rules.

He does repeat shit over and over again
But Rant and Pygmy were pretty fucking good.

I like where they're going with Kate
Kate always seems to be cool, calm, and collected and wise beyond her years so it was a nice change to see some bad, old-fashioned teenage behavior come from her what with the petty jealousy of Tara and her terrible decision to whore herself out online. Other things I liked:

Erin was kind of cool and savvy during the whole break room scene. I especially liked her vocal support of Stanley telling Dwight and the racist executive program to fuck off.

Possible blasphemy
But I think Season 6 is creeping closer to being as good as Season 2.

I don't understand why people don't like Towelie episodes.
People dump on A Million Little Fibers all the time and I find it hilarious. South Park does dumb comedy very very well. The constant title card updates had me laughing uncontrollably for a while. Towelie's quick downward spiral from weed to sucking dick for

This show has turned from a show about a family dealing with their mother's DID into an exploration of how fucked up family can be. At least Kate is an internet sensation and getting great weed.

HIMYM is on fire this season. Also appreciated the enormous bong hit on America's Number 1 Network at 8:00 in honor of tomorrow.

I know this is going to change pretty quickly…
but out of all of the strained relationships in this show, seeing Walt fuck Jesse over like that was painful. Throughout the first two seasons they didn't like each other, but they did need each other. They were in the shit together, and now that Walt doesn't have that

Screw you guys…
This has been the most consistently funny season of South Park since season 9. This episode was an amazing tribute to an amazing show. Haters can get their heads chopped off by Mecha Streisand's chainsaw hand.

The first episode of the Wire did not suck, it was simply laying the groundwork for the complex plot threads. Even if you didn't like it, there were certain things about it that were undeniably great (the chicken nugget discussion). In Treme, we were simply bouncing around from character to character with no visible

Am I alone?
I actually turned the first episode off halfway through. These so called rich, complex characters seemed pretty one note to me. Bunk is an asshole, Lester has constant sad eyes, Steve Zahn is an even bigger asshole, Khandi Alexander is Khandi Alexander, the really hot cook from Zero Effect doesn't want

Did anyone else see dried blood?
Was that Jesse's second encounter with his nemesis the ATM machine?

Jesse's just accepting his role as the bad guy, and he was also a pretty fucking good salesman holding the meth out while the cop was behind him. I like sober Jesse.

The first season was good,
but this ep took it to the next level. The ice rink scene was hilarious as was Joey Lauren Adams heartbreaking admission of loving a split personality. Also, lots of respect to this show realistically portraying marijuana use. Not every pot smoker is a dead eyed couch potato taking constant

What the fuck
D+ for not being current enough? That's soo 2006? What the fuck man, Facebook is and has always been stupid and yet millions of people still use it daily. Plus the Tron stuff was awesome. I also loved the shout out to Yahtzee, and how shitty it can be.

This felt like a first season episode
It wasn't great, but it sure was Lost-y.

You're gonna think I'm nuts (spoilers)
But something about this movie seemed off to me. I walked in five minutes into it so I missed Lou's suicide attempt, but I thought about it for a little after I saw it. I came to the conclusion that Lou actually committed suicide, and he was in paradise now. Everything that

Jesus Christ
Does nobody like this show anymore? Because I thought that was an amazing episode. And last weeks was awesome too. I thought last season was spotty, but this one so far is two for two. They made an episode with Butters telling the boys to suck on his weinter, the Kardashian family getting blown to bits