
The eyeball
Sisters of fate anyone? I love how Breaking Bad is slowly morphing from a kick-ass drug dealing show into a meditation on fate, destiny, purpose, and if we are all ultimately good or bad, or if there those things even mean anything. And the student assembly was the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a

Fuck me. It's a metaphor then I guess (which is pretty windbaggy).

looks like a silver record. But it's not a silver record, it's a laserdisc!

Just one man's opinion
It's fairly apparent that the name Gorillaz is a take off on another fictional band, the Monkees. But with Plastic Beach, characters that were initially played as a parody of celebrity worship have now transcended their fictional personas. Now Gorillaz consists of whoever wants to come together

Holy shit balls
Best episode of the season methinks. The flash forwards meshed really nicely with the original timeline, and Jin at the end means we're finally getting somewhere. The last ten minutes were pure chaotic awesomeness. I loved how Smokey was killing everyone and then it was like oh yeah, there's Illana, oh

I thought this was front to back the best episode in a long time. Each character had a few hilarious bits of their own, something that doesn't normally happen. Lily loves Wu-Tang and can't break up with a pig. Robin is a hooker with spider web female parts. Giant-adolescent-rat-tail Marshall returns and modern

There's no doubt that Ruffalo's character was Dr. Sheehan, what I was getting at is the fact that the experiment wasn't to try and snap Leo out of his psychosis, but to try and manipulate his memories until he accepted them as truth. This is shown through the gradual change he has from his actual horrifying memories

The scar (Uber Spoilers)
There are a few things that make me believe that the audience is supposed to be conned by the twist. One is the bandage on Leo's temple that reveals itself to be a scar, implicating that he has had some type of brain surgery before. Two is at the round table with all the doctors, one of them

I hope Lost ends as satisfyingly. And Dushku proved the haters wrong with regards to her acting abilities tonight. Dollhouse, ye will be missed.

We should shoot this film into space.
So the aliens know to never, ever come here. Unless they like rapping clowns in cowboy hats, in which case we are fucked.

Holy shit fuck
Clean up on aisle nine.

Holy shit fuck
Clean up on aisle nine.

I've never been a fan of this show previously
But this episode was awesome. The hubris-speech cycle was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

"You don't want no part of this shit!"

Only Rasta Know the Voice of Jah
I'm pretty sure you're talking about some other genre of music when you suggest that it is an oddity that this Reggae album has Christian leanings. Techno?

Is it me or has this show just solidified itself as one of the best of all time? The blistering pace makes for some of the biggest mindfucks ever and makes it a show stripped of everything except the big overarching arc, which makes for some fine TV indeed.

It actually kinda rocks. You can't go wrong with Steve Zahn in huge glasses, Tim Olyphant as a bad ass marine, and super hot always half naked Nikki from Lost. Best B movie I've seen in a while.

This was an A.
If only for the script writing scene. One of the best in the history of the series I think. And Frank's pocket sausages. And Dennis' continual use of the word penetration.

You're right CBM, I was trying to say I had forgotten how good this show could be.

Segel killed it tonight
As did everyone else. I used to not notice the supposed drop in quality, but after tonights episode I'm starting to think there's some credence to it.