
The dude that was describing Dethklok's shunning of their fortune and fame called them "mortals," so I'm pretty sure this season is gonna be metal, to say the least. These first two have been classics.

"I Danny Dubersteined the shit out of him!"
I'm pretty sure every single line that came out of Leon's mouth was pure hilarity. That was a fine hour of television.

Clearly the first season did not just consist of them sitting just around in Paddy's. But there is a big difference between the gang trying to get laid, not seem racist, visiting their Nazi grandpa, and having an old man die in their bar (all season one), and the gang becoming drug addicts, getting taken hostage,

Kevin had one of is best lines ever tonight as well:

Line o' the night
"You realize he's carrying him into the fire, right?"

Will go down in the pantheon of greats.
This episode really captured that first season feel of them just sitting around in the bar and bullshitting (and it was the first to do so since then as well). These characters are zany and funny enough on their own, they don't need to be excessively evil or have crazy


Fuck the haters.
Encino Man and Bio Dome have been on a lot recently, and I find myself unable to pull away each time I happen upon them. After the umpteenth viewing I have come to the conclusion that they are awesome, despite Pauly Shore's made up words. I can only imagine the brouhaha that is going to ensue below

Did anyone catch…
Charlie laughing after he tried to give Dennis those papers one last time in the last scene? Or am I bombing on insecticide?

Her emergency automated voice was the best.

I AM living with the drummer in my band…
…and then I found an old cereal box I hadn't read before and I dozed off.

But what did I do?

I don't see how satirizing the dark side of wrestling would be any different from satirizing the dark side of fame, celebrity, and winning at all costs, topics that are very familiar to South Park. They even already did an episode with Jimmy taking roids. And I can't understand how one could watch South Park regularly

The joke wasn't that wrestling was more like theater than a sport, it was that greco-roman wrestling is considered gay and pro wrestling is considered manly when the opposite is true. And that the people who watch pro wrestling are hypocrites because typically they hate theater and gay people and yet they get all

A stone cold classic
The only great one so far this season. Hilarious backyard wrestling soap opera drama and alter egos, rednecks holding wine glasses discussing cultural backgrounds at intermission, the resurrection and evolution of "they took our jobs", wrastlin man's gay porn iphone, and oh yeah, THE DEMISE OF EL


May his watermelon splattered body rest in peace.

I have to pee.

I don't get it
All of the Dexter hunting stuff was gangbusters, it really felt like a classic storyline. But the rest of the episode was spent on bullshit relationship stuff. There are three (!) relationships going on in this episode, and I just want to know why. Also, Harry sucks now. Before when we would have a

I think this movie will breach the gap…
between the typical AV clubber's taste and ZMF's capital lettered FUCK YEAHs. It fucking rocks. And however hard it may be to believe, it somehow gives off a bit of the Kubrick vibe.