
Fuck Seth Meyers.
"These jokes I head-wrote are so funny I can't help but smirk at every single one." It sucks he's squandering a potentially great cast on bullshit.

Oh April, How I Love Thee
"I didn't win the beauty pageant, but at least I didn't make any new friendships."

Glaring omission
Larry's whole act in Trundle's office was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. "I'm gonna go out there, you're gonna stay in here, and I'm gonna go out there and you're gonna stay in here and talk."

Ted was on fire tonight
Funniest T-Dog episode ever? Marshall's whip overexcitement/responsibility lecture was golden as well.

Where were the Dingo references? I was looking for them.

I think you mean Rappin Rabin. Rapin' Rabin sounds like a fucked up action figure.

Favorite tracks?
I'm loving pretty much every one, but I'm partial to 10 Bricks. I'm glad to see so much love for this album, it is a true Wu Banga.

I feel I may be going insane
Am I missing something? Is twitter not the stupidest fucking thing ever? Am I wrong, or is this just another instance of the public greedily lapping up ever bit of ejaculate that spews forth from the cock of What We Are Supposed to Like?

I feel I may be going insane
Am I missing something? Is twitter not the stupidest fucking thing ever? Am I wrong, or is this just another instance of the public greedily lapping up ever bit of ejaculate that spews forth from the cock of What We Are Supposed to Like?

Since everyone seems to want to talk about ownage (SPOILERS for Extract)
How bout Ben Affleck's performance in this movie. The dude gets a bum rap in my opinion, and hopefully this will give him some goodwill with his haters. "I know I'm a bit of a character," is the funniest line in recent memory, and although the

"I gave her that record fright after the incident"
Freudian slap?

It was a solid summer.
Inglourious Basterds, District 9, Moon, Hurt Locker, Public Enemies, Funny People, and Star Trek were all varying from pretty good to fucking awesome.

By the way, we took a dump on your air hockey table.

So if this is a race reversal Fatal Attraction…
what's the boiled rabbit?

This show is really starting to work.
I think that these first few episodes are just laying the groundwork before things get more and more complex. When I first heard the premise of the show I was looking forward to all of the meta-humor that the show within a show concept promised, and I was kinda disappointed when

Maybe he's right…
Maybe Leno moving to ten really will break up the monotony of our lives. By joking daily about Bill Clinton's blowjob that one time. You remember that? Shit was hilarious. In all seriousness, I wonder how many collective brain cells have been fried watching the same jokes about Clinton and O.J. on

I've heard the comparison many times before, but this episode in particular was nothing but all the main characters gabbing to each other about their relationships and personal problems all the while showing that they all love each other. Swap out the Ferraris for fruity drinks and it was an episode of Sex and the

The moment I fell for this show
"We think this 235 dollars will buy you about one and a half beams, depending on the quality of the wood. We hope you enjoy the beams for many years to come." That kid deserves an emmy. The final scene was just icing on the cake.

Well, I think I'm out.
I know it's cliched and stupid to let the world know on the internet a particular show lost a viewer but I don't think I can hang with Entourage anymore. The first season was great, when they had nothing to do but smoke weed and fuck around, and as they subsequently tried to inject more plot

Sa da tay
This is a contender for most criminally overlooked movie of all time.