
Just saw Epitaph One
and all I can say is holy fucking shit fuck. It was a game changer for scripted television.

Completely off topic (Fuck Remakes)
This is basically the entire reason for the hater section of the site to even exist:

Remind us we're watching a comedy?
This show made me guffaw a few times, which I was not remotely expecting from a series called Hung:

I concur, I loved Born Like This, Blackout 2 is alright, Jay Stay Paid is awesome, but The Ecstatic is the shit. First time through I thought it was one of his best, and each subsequent listen has only solidified that notion. Right now it's my favorite hip hop record of 09 but I'm reserving judgment until Only Built

Year Two?

Year One?
Am I right?

That scene really pissed me off too, and it was (even though no one else shares this opinion) the first time I had no idea why Nancy went through with something. She had absolutely no reason for going to see Guillermo, it wasn't addressed beforehand, and it only served to put her predicament in more colorful language

Prediction part dos
Silas' plants will become the most sought after strain and Not Seth Rogen will come get him and strike a deal, making Silas and Doug rich. It will come to pass.

Rhetorical question
Has Sam Rockwell ever performed badly in a movie? He has a lifetime pass from me for giving us the best shady mustache dealer performance the world has ever known.

Bowie's in Space
Whatcha doin out there man?

I'm glad it's back
Season four was pretty damn good after season three fell apart. It's nice to see some small-time dealing operations again. And Andy's response to Nancy dropping the banana bread: "You ruin everything you touch!" had me laughing, which is a pleasant surprise from T.V. in general right now.

Fuck yes. All of Demon Days for that matter. I will always associate that CD with summer of 05.

This gives a whole new meaning to Code Red.

Yeah, it's pretty apparent that JOI had the master copy in his brain somehow. Joelle reveals that IJ is buried with JOI, and it's mentioned he had something implanted into his brain. John Wayne might be a double agent, but he is undoubtedly a Canadian separatist trying to make up for his father's mistakes ("Faire un

I guess insight and humor go hand in hand, but it really is surprising how funny Wallace manages to be while making a reader do mental hurdles. The Eschaton Debacle in Infinite Jest and the Octet in Brief Interviews With Hideous Men are probably the only times I've had to stop reading due to laughter.

Is Elegant Complexity worth a read? Is it not a cheat sheet for the novel? I feel like it's much more rewarding to make the countless little pieces throughout the book fall into place on your own rather than having them pointed out to you.

I think the DMZ effects Hal is experiencing do have to do with the mold he ate as a child, there is something about DMZ being a mold-based compound somewhere in the novel. I thought Orin was for sure a goner, and didn't realize he was referred to in the present tense in the beginning, so thanks for that. I'm pretty

I was waiting for this to be in the book club…
but I guess I'll go ahead and ask this question anyway (SPOILERS): What happened between Gately's fever dream and the Year of Glad? Theories? I know the lack of resolution is kind of the point, but it's fun to speculate. This book gave me the howling fantods for a week.


That are met with puzzled looks.