
Frisky Dingo
For all my undying love of film and tv, I am never capable of remembering exact quotes. But Boosh! Kakow! and Bluetube (when referring to anything technological) are all things that I say on a regular basis.

I'll concede that the Sock subplot wasn't that good…
but the lack of humor in that thread was entirely made up for by Ben and Nina's goodbye/bath vs. shower conversation. And the look the Devil gave Sam after he said he changes suits three times a day. If this show is going on to greener pastures, it is certainly


Only he could make calling somebody a dumb bitch funny. Also more Cherie in this episode made me happy in the pants but sad in the brain (the one behind my face) because I feel I will never lay eyes on a woman more beautiful than Katrina Bowden.

Season 5 was a return to form
I don't get how people are still bashing this show. This season had so many quality episodes in a row that I think that it is on par with Season 3 and comes close to the untouchable Season 2. It was the perfect mix of plot (which is necessary at this point to keep the show going) and

All I know is
This show still manages to fuck with my mind five seasons in. Bravo, Lost, Bravo.

Finally some love for Sock.
I don't know if it is because I have a friend who looks and talks exactly like him, but Tyler Labine has been the funniest part of this show to me. I don't get the complaints that he is grating, he's supposed to be all id. He's a jerk who will let his friend take the fall for him and beat

As far as evolving is concerned Alpha still has all of the electrical plants in the world to set up shop…

@Noel (which is awesome by the way) I would argue that there aren't really any core characters in the traditional sense of the word. Echo is merely our window into this universe, not who we are meant to identify with. Each episode explores different facets of the same ideas through every character; Dewitt, Boyd,

I wouldn't get your hopes up about filling in back stories considering the mysterious apocalyptic nature of this unseen 13th episode (further evidence that this show has bigger aspirations than exploring all of the Dolls' characters).

I think the lack of a time difference between our two posts is evidence that one of us is an imprint of the other. Or maybe we're both Alpha.

I get that, if you do not place a lot of emphasis on the soul question then this show might seem to be lacking something, especially with identifying with the characters. But I think that if you were to look back you'll find that even in the beginning when it was a tad more formulaic, Dollhouse is not so much about

The soul question
Was pretty much answered this episode as well as being telegraphed throughout the season. Alpha is still the ominously triple named serial killer underneath his multiple personalities. Echo is still Caroline, fighter of all that is evil and champion of all that is good. She cannot even exist with the

Best episode of the season
Aside from the cool freak, the abundance of Walter, and the mindfuckery that was Olivia bouncing between parallel worlds, the best part of this episode had to be Peter. I'm surprised it took so long for them to substitute snarky one liners for actual substance. I hope it continues, as the

As she gets off the elevator two dudes in black ski masks are standing in front of her. Immediately after we see them one of them holds up a silencer a busts a cap in her chest. It was pretty great television.

I feel like the metaphorical coffin that houses my faith in our government has already been hermetically sealed with nails and that this full-tiered assault on intelligence now has nowhere to go except directly into the part of my brain that contains my faith in humanity. Fuck.

This has been discussed already…
but I think that Desmond is undoubtedly the Variable. Dan can't be the Variable because like the numerous other characters that have tried to shake their destiny, they were simply fulfilling it. Desmond is the only one who can change anything, which explains why Eloise had a vested

If there was ever a movie that needed an A.V. Talk…
it's Martyrs. I loved it, I bought it today, but I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to watch it again for at least a few months.

I don't know…
if it was the NPH/Segel pairing, the silliness that was Stan, Jesus as the creator of both the three day rule and the high five, and Robin's inability to let the even more cliche fake terminal illness joke, but I thought this was a great episode. Did anyone else get the impression that NPH was riffing by

I started out watching this as a mindless diversion, and now I don't know what I'm gonna do without it. Viva los Chuck!