
The most impressive thing about the episode.
Steve Carell directed it. And there were stylistic differences somehow.

Johnny Deep I really don't think you got the book at all thematically if you feel the movie is a poor adaptation. The fact that the characters are changed around is ultimately frivolous, the core of the story is about the inability to connect with anyone. Avary took what was important from the book (the theme) and

"We'll slide down the surface of things…"
I think that Glamorama is Ellis' best work, it is a complete takedown of celebrity culture and an intense study of a man slowly retreating inside of himself and experiencing a mental breakdown due to the vapidity of the world around him (and more effectively than American

I thought that that was where they were going-Olivia hugging him in order to make him feel something other than pain-but if you think about it her way makes more sense because he just goes into shock and has no emotions.

*also* made me laugh a lot. And Sam's going to challenge the Devil to stocking things at the Work Bench. You heard it here first.

If you find Sock enjoyable this show was great tonight.
And I do. So I did. And regardless of the way you might feel about his storyline, it led to the self-strucking straw vs. Sam's soul debate, which was hilarious. Ben almost made me laugh a lot when describing his granny's six pack.

How was this not an A+
This show has always been a consistently entertaining hour of television, but I never thought it could be that good. Everything paid off huge.

Hurley's script
He said he was going to write Empire, but make it better. I'm guessing the secondary protocol is going to get severely fucked up by the upcoming incident. Bram was the shit, was not expecting him to be able to pull of creepy badass after being so amiable in Choke. It was good to see Lost can still pull

I think the twist regarding Charlie's wife was that the goofy bitch from Saved by the Bell: the College Years still lacks the ability to make jokes funny after all these years.

I'm probably going to get my internet privelges revoked for this…
but this show is now better than Firefly.

Great interview
Having only been exposed to theoretical physics through Cosmic Banditos, this interview has inspired me to delve headfirst into the subject seriously, starting with Kaku's books. Thanks for this, coolest interview on this site in a while. I hope to see more varied interviews like this in the future.

I don't mean to be a dick, I appreciate the review, but the main thread of the episode was about inflated egos, Cartman's and Kanye's. The whole point of Mencia being in the episode to begin with was just so they could call him out for stealing jokes and beat the shit out of him. They weren't trying to go after him

…and by you're I meant your. and by have I meant half. Off to find a "Gay fish" ringtone and use it until the end of time.

Let me get this straight…
You're one complaint about this episode is that they shouldn't have gone after Carlos Mencia. You're saying that they should not have taken the opportunity to beat the living shit out of Carlos Mencia and stuff fishsticks down his throat? Do you have a soul? This episode (and this season for

group therapy that's exactly my point: Locke is the new leader and while Ben may have ultimately cared about maintaining his position at the top when he was in charge the island still spared him after judging him and told him to keep his ass in check this time. The fact that Ben and Widmore are fighting a war has been

Apologies for the lack of proofreading and coherence, what I'm trying to get at is the ambiguity regarding who's fighting to save the island in the Widmore/Linus war to end all wars was pretty much resolved this episode.

Do you mind elaborating? Either way you look at it Widmore broke the rules by leaving the island and Ben was allowed to live. If he really was tapped into Jacob and the Island wanted Alex killed Ben still killed her. After this episode it's clear tha Ben has the island's best interest at heart whereas Widmore's

Puzzle pieces
The most important part of tonight's ep to me was the fact that the pieces are finally falling into place. Ben is, ultimately, on the good team. Widmore is on the bad team. Ben is still a sneaky little bastard but he (hopefully) won't ever cross Locke again, meaning we are in for some serious O'Quinn and

Best Ben moment ever
Blasting away annoying ass Cesar. Between that and Carlos Mencia getting bat-decapitated my bloodlust quota was fulfilled for Wednesday. But tomorrow is another day…

$20,000 question
What was Little O saying when they hooked him up to the brainwave thingamabob for that short period of time? Also is there a blue flash of distorted light every episode? I had forgotten how much this show rocks. It makes me appreciate American Idol and its drooling masses who hopefully will be lulled