
Best line o' the night
"Cool grenade." Lotta good Sock moments tonight, and I for one think quasi-incest is a pretty ballsy topic for a show like Reaper. Yay to the return of Sam's demon powers (haven't seen them since episode one?), nay to Nina finding Sam sexy. I think we've had enough romantic subplots for one

Just one man's opinion
But I thought this was the strongest episode since House's Head/Wilson's Heart (and I liked that because it was the most intriguing mystery in a long while not due to the reactions to CB's untimely demise). For the first time ever I felt connected to the New Coke team and actually cared about

This episode was great. It was extremely satisfying to see Jack and Kate abandon their maddening personality flaws. All of the characters' interactions seemed like the way actual people would react to those situations, i.e. Hurley and Miles the Ghost Whisperer spitballing time-travel jargon, Sawyer and

A gentlemen's disagreement.
I think this ep had too much classic HIMYM goodness to be considered merely a B: Barney's laser tag aggression/accepting the challenge while Ted is saying there is no challenge, Marshall's upbringing clashing with Lily, Ted being a old fogey, Robin loving every minute of Barney's attempts

I call "rip off." Post something original instead of copying the last post. God.

It was awesome
How Topher and DeWitt were able to function while everyone else loses all control. I also now have a newfound perspective on the once annoying Topher. When he was tripping balls the only real difference in his character was a lack of pants, so he must be stoned/zonked all the time. Everything is just

And the Bluth's chicken dances will never, ever, not be funny. I could watch them cluck away every day until I die.

Random Scenes
In the Office episode where they stay late in Stamford and get hammered, and Andy starts singing acapella from the floor. When Jim wakes up and joins in and then Andy pops up, still singing, eyes wild, and they sing louder and louder until finally he punctuates it with "TUNA! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Gets me

I hope
They devote a whole episode to Stanley as Productivity Czar. Or a mini-series. Or a spin-off.

As much as I loved 30 Rock and real Liz walking like Muppet Liz…
…we need to talk about the Office. I don't think I've cared so much about a storyline in two seasons, and I think it was the best episode of the past two as well. Between Stanley as Productivity Czar, Kevin revealing he actually genuinely likes Michael,

Let he who has not bought something frivolous throw the first squirrel.

Ben Got Got
It's all in the game.

And knowing is half the battle!
God what a great episode. I'll never look at a Mickey Mouse balloon the same way again.

Remember the meter was broken when I parked outside your apartment?

Zero Audiencemembers
This is a new low.

This show…
Out Chucks Chuck. As far as being an extremely dependably entertaining hour of goofy television. I too had forgotten how good it was until tonight. Bring on the quasi-incest!

That was an A
No question.

Or is she the keymaker? And Locke is Morpheus?

Best Line?
My money's on "This interview is over!"

…Flight of the Conchords, my old friend, welcome back. Keep on achieving transcendence in all your parody song glory.