
You are crazy
I thought that was great. Best Stanley moment ever? Old School Michael and Dwight shenanigans? Tina Fey's boobs? Best 30 Rock in a while? Good TV night.

Treat it as a comedy…
I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Totally destroys the genre conventions on purpose, creating the silliest movie possible along the way. In 3D. At one point, Kerr Smith's character says something along the lines of, "I think we're being mocked." The Rosetta Stone of figuring out the deeper


Ugh I don't need the montage.
Sometimes I went oh no but sometimes I went oh yes!

Best Opener Ever.

Turn off the screen we all know the words c'mon everybody
Everybody come and play
Throw every last care away
Let's go to the mall…

All aboard the…

Tonight and two weeks ago…
felt like season 2 again? Am I grasping at straws? Should the spinoff be the security guard keeping watch over Dunder-Mifflin?

"Miss! I'm going to repeat the experiment with the rice. Would you care to watch?"

This was it.
This episode broke the B+ barrier for sure. Perfect amount of Walterisms (my favorite being his wry smile during "Are you tripping, Olivia?") and mindfuckery. It felt like an episode of Lost.