White Glove

Herkimer Holmolka found the Lost City of Z mad long ago. Sesame cake.

Went to a wedding and talked to a girl whose name was listed in the credits of "A Place Beyond the Pines" and some other films.

Tubthumping on A.V. Club Undercover

Hear, hear

They're just taking the piss now

You knew one of our 3 fuck-ups was going to die when Taylor Kitsch was at his mom's house. When he looked up at the night sky, there were only two stars in Orion's Belt.

"On the wings of looooooooove…."

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

Read the whole thing…mustered a little sigh of annoyance.

Seriously? Obviously Sony's overreaction is an attempt to stem the flow of personal emails from top brass from becoming public. It may be to little too late, but any company would do the same.
This is not an issue of international diplomacy. This is an issue of institutional damage control.

5000 people dead. Sigh. Eye roll.

Went to see Chainsaw Massacre ('74) at the local independent theater on Halloween night. The projector broke down halfway through. It was during the Leatherface nighttime chase scene. The screen went black but a chainsaw kept blaring over the sound system for five more minutes. Good times.
Not a big deal though. Got

This is heartbreaking man. I wanted the NFL to reinstate Rice just so some linebacker who feels like you can get revenge on him. But there is no recourse right now. No amount of hate will eradicate his kind. It's a hopeless feeling

Me three

SHIT [is hidden around LA] HAPPENS, HUH?

I bet these are Rabin's complimentary tickets that are going unused this year

He did this on purpose. No one pays attention to a good first pitch. His face is now plastered everywhere. Great viral marketing

I was watching Mungo with my girlfriend. She hadn't seen it before and, halfway through, couldn't take the horror anymore. So I paused the movie before turning it off and it got stuck right on the money shot as the brother is going through his pictures of the backyard…."NO…NO…NO….nonononono!"…. Haha

Fitting. "Aah Fuck" has become my go-to phrase in defending my fanhood of Doughty over the last few years.

In the first episode of the season when Carrie's lawyer sees her notebook with all the jibberish, it says "Abu Nasir: You killed my son. Prepare to die."
Someone brought that up in the comments on that review so I had to go back and see for myself. Sure enough…