White Glove

Black 47 rules. Their Live in NY album rules as well.

mmm sticky froth

"…by 1988 Chevy Chase was the kind of actor who'd star in junk like ''Caddyshack II,'' ''Christmas Vacation,'' ''Nothing but Trouble,'' and ''Fletch Lives.''

I have the same shirt Barbie wore in this week's episode of Under the Dome

Dexter Freebish?

Maybe it did win but the game creaters didn't want a euphamism for taking a shit in the game. That would have been so sweet whenever it popped up.

When NBA JAM was released for Nintendo Wii a couple years ago they had a bracket-style vote for new catchphrases that would be included.


You're just too cool for anything, huh?

Kanye West

Tell us about your Pop-Up-Ad Weekend: May 10-12

Good point…but you don't have to make the same trailer over and over. I think this could have been an awesome inside joke in the movie but it was just given away.

This trailer actually spoils a gag in this movie that recalls Shaun and Fuzz. sucks

Release the Parameter parameters!

Dont forget Ashley Greene

The Rock says it's Dr. Stanley Goodspeed

This guy has the best attitude. Hoping there's a Part II sometime

That's not The Dink. Some other angry elf…

Noel Gallagher said it best when he said: