
Actually a comedy about three men trying to kill their rather likable bosses would probably be fantastic.

The biggest problem with Season 2 is that Lynch got sidetracked by Wild at Heart and a lot of the cast and crew felt like he abandoned them. So without him helming things they sort of went out of control. I'm sure if he had been more involved with Season 2 he would have found a way to keep things moving after the

Don Jon is just as good as, if not better than The World's End.

Man, this is so far off. JGL is pretty great in the film and calling the style "Sub-Edgar Wright" is just miserably dismissive. It's a really witty, smart look at the way media images shape our ways of thinking and alienate us from each other. Tony Danza is surprisingly amazing and Julianne Moore delivers an Oscar

I don't know, the all in one day thing would probably work better given a shorter time span. Sometimes by the end of a season it becomes completely unbelievable that all the things that happened went down in a day, but with 12 hours opposed to 24 it'd probably be paced better and maybe placed on a lower scale.

Honestly, a limited run is a really good idea. The show usually suffered from not knowing how to stretch out the plot for 24 hours.

I saw Public Enemy roughly a week or two after that law passed in Arizona about immigrant needing to have papers that prove their citizenship on them at all time. It was the 20th anniversary tour for Fear of a Black Planet. I was sure they were going to play By the Time I Get to Arizona because of that but the show

Sadly I can get five dollar milkshakes from any random ice cream truck these days.

Well shit, I skipped right past that without realizing. And I didn't know he was nominated either.

Ryan Gosling on Goosebumps is a weird one considering he's still a kid (He's the lead in Say Cheese and Die). Apparently he was on Are You Afraid of the Dark as well but I haven't seen that episode.

Good news for John Teti! "Until the End of the World" is streaming on Warner's new Warner Archive Instant site. It's in Beta right now (throw your e-mail in and you may get an invite, it's what I did). It should be open to everybody soon though. I might check the movie out now knowing it's not really available

He already has an Oscar, for Leaving Las Vegas. CAGE IS A GOOD FUCKING ACTOR YOU GUYS!

Except Crash is a hamfisted piece of racist trash. "Oh, why does a white woman flinch when she sees us walking by? It's so racist! Whatever, let's validate that racism by stealing her car at gunpoint."

Except Crash is a hamfisted piece of racist trash. "Oh, why does a white woman flinch when she sees us walking by? It's so racist! Whatever, let's validate that racism by stealing her car at gunpoint."

The Usual Suspects really doesn't hold up to multiple viewings, at least for me. It just seems to be all about the twist. Then again, I haven't seen it in years so maybe it deserves another shot.

The Usual Suspects really doesn't hold up to multiple viewings, at least for me. It just seems to be all about the twist. Then again, I haven't seen it in years so maybe it deserves another shot.

Pulp Fiction will always have a special place in my heart because it's the film that got me into film. As a high school kid who had never thought seriously about movies before it blew me away. I had never seen anything quite like it and I needed to know more. I read all about Tarantino's referencing other films and

Pulp Fiction will always have a special place in my heart because it's the film that got me into film. As a high school kid who had never thought seriously about movies before it blew me away. I had never seen anything quite like it and I needed to know more. I read all about Tarantino's referencing other films and