
So does each nipple count as one item or something?

So does each nipple count as one item or something?

I do think it'd be nice to have some realistic depictions of the procedure, rather than hyping up the drama. But to say that this isn't a decision that comes without guilt or long reflection is completely ignorant. An abortion is never an easy decision, and a lot of women do feel a lot of regret afterward.

I managed to fit in about five films between Friday and last night. The first was a midnight screening on Cannibal Holocaust…and…just…dammit. That was one of the worst decisions I have ever made. I just never want to wish that film upon anybody.

The Adventures Of Super Lawyer!
It's the Adventures of Super Lawyer! Watch as you are made to feel inferior while the handsome Mary-Sue on the screen solves the case, gets laid, and serves justice!