
I read Mama Oleg as saying save yourself no matter what, including giving in to the blackmail.

I thought his followup phone call to her was a really well-executed scene. You have a very short window to make that happen and he had to be aggressive without seeming aggressive.

The bigger off-note for me is they rarely wear gloves. Their fingerprints should be connecting them to about two dozen operations and outright crimes so far.

1980s parents were very different from today's parents, attentiveness-wise

Henry is alpha as fuck.

Dan I really appreciate the period-appropriate design that I recognize and it gives me confidence that the touches I don't recognize (much of the Russian stuff, though I studied enough to know many of them are authentic) are correct as well. And it is not so overdone as to be fetishistic (looking at you, Mad Men).

I'm rooting for all of the English actors on this series (Maggie, Rick) to revert to their accents.

And I'll bet those military snipers don't take long breaks from their lookout to banter and learn to tie knots from their snotty accomplices.

Not only did Sasha and Rosita not tell Eugene anything about the group's larger plans, the fact that they were attacking by themselves suggests there is no larger effort.

i was expecting his last bit of advice to them as he ran off with the guns was "and you should smile more."

One of the dumber conceits on this show, or lack of one, is that the zombie skulls are just as strong as a living person's skull. I remember hearing that from one of the production staff on a Talking Dead episode and thinking ya'll have no idea how anything works.

In that video still underneath the article, Danny Boyle looks pleased to be learning about Anal Explosion Death Matches.

This is one of the best shows around and that is saying a lot this spring.

Okay but if the search party is only looking for zombies, it does not have to look in every nook and cranny of the building. All they would do is make a loud noise and round up whatever zombies come out, or make a cursory look into each room for zombies trapped under a fallen bookcase or something. They aren't

The last time anybody thought he was really valuable was when he was lying about going to Washington with the cure.

I made this point in a longer post above but sometimes people fail in their quest to become better people and I think it is more interesting if he walks this far but the safety Neegan offers undoes all of his progress. If he was the main protagonist on this show, it would be unfulfilling, but I think it is a more

Eugene going full-Savior when he realizes the benefits is far and away the most interesting twist with any character on this show, especially because he seemed to be on a long journey away from selfish, lying coward and toward being a proactively loyal member of team Rick. He tried and failed to become a better

There are many ways to act and portray and tell stories without lots of words.

Yeah but the alternative is not-Jonathan-Banks, and nobody wants that.