
That Wall party still needs a wizard.


Burnt By the Sun is movie on this topic, pre-WWII Stalinist purges, and much of it is pretty lighthearted, actually, but it is a great and sad depiction of that era.

Huge shout-out for the operative seeking directions from the security guard to Woodward & Lothrop. As a teen in the 1980s who worked at that department store, which was regional, based in D.C., and has been gone a long time now, it was a very 1980s Washington reference. I think they had a similar note-perfect

Jesus was kind of a blabbermouth.

Was hoping for an image of Che on one of the shirts.

Well, according to the scenes from next week (rest of season? there were a lot of scenes) maybe she is alive because, you know, this show.

Eh, I thought that was too over the top. I like the concept of take-no-prisoners Amy involved in a campaign of basically decent people, but they could have done this a lot more subltey.

Next season they will go the Archer route and all become drug dealers for no apparent reason.

I was really apprehensive about a whole season of a dream sequence, but this is an inspired direction. It is just fun to see what roles Archer assigns the people from real life in his fantasy life, which is a reflection of how he sees them on a subconscious level. Plus you can only transport the cast into so many

All of the events surrounding the "alternative facts" explanation were straight out of a Veep episode. [hair flip]

AV Club should give each commenter an annual "100 upvotes" option for comments like this,

I dunno man, Floating Dead is pretty hateworthy too.

As they pointed out on the Last Man on Earth in what was obvious trolling of TWD, all the gas goes bad after a couple of years.

maybe that was Neegan's offer, 10-12 verbs

For me it was a lot more than nuance — his annotated Marx is the only explanation that makes any sense and it is long overdue.

The Washington Post recently had a pretty good article about how whether this plotline has any basis in cold war history, and the tl;dr is that Cuba and another country made allegations about other types of weaponized bugs but the resulting investigations were inconclusive.

I was really tense when Paige was questioning Elizabeth about how they develop sources, because the honest answer is "your father and I fuck other people all the time as part of our manipulation toolkit." Paige understands about 25% of what her parents are actually doing.