
Not in my alternate universe

and Kronenberg Rick and Morty.

Also a technologically advanced civilization is just as capable of being self-destructive, short-sighted, science-denying idiots as our own planet. Comforting!

I figured he would have a new co-host every week, who would die horribly.
Love the show, but I don't understand why it occasionally depicts the Doctor's dream or fantasy sequences. That completely undermines the conceit that you are watching a (poorly and insanely produced) cable access timefiller.

Ya can't win 'em all

Holy balls that's great. Did you have a hand in creating that? Reconditioning Chamber is perfect. I'll take one in the Civ 4 engine please (couldn't get into 5)

"And that's how far my praise for this episode will go."
A planet weeps.

Well, you can't just start ripping the hair off the sovereign and expect a pass.
I thought PB was going to reverse-age after losing all that gum.

I don't even own a comment.

Oh hey, Bob's Burgers is on.

Hank, if there was ever a time in your life I needed you not to be Hank, it's now.

If getting shown up by Cinnamon Bun isn't a wakeup call, nothing is.

Here's an ep you might like: We Fixed a Wambulance

Trained by CB, of all things. That's some impressive pre-baking competence.

FK to you, buddy.

She does seem to relish in them needing her. Devious.

Can't a dad and his future son-in-law just enjoy a good fistfight without it meaning anything?

If you want to introduce your characters smoothly in the first episode, use a Brak style opening.

There is no Adventure Time review as of Tuesday morning, and this is all you have to say?

And the best line of all time "We would never trade with you, our worst enemy!"