
Make a lot of room in your calendar.

I love Civ IV and I actually played it this morning before coming to work. I have started 6 or 7 Civ V games, including a couple with the Brave New World expansion, but I get bored to death by the glacial pace and limited options. Plus that guy who announces the new techs you complete sounds half asleep. The only

He's probably not that great a brother if he smashes the gravestone when he pays his respects.

Well, out of habit, I disagree with you.

Touchy today. Just give us the A's we demand.

Would have given Zack an A if he included a [burp].

Jerry just needs the right circumstances to shine. My man!

Hot coffee and I'm all set.

Maybe that just puts him on the road to being Rick. You get to that place by seeing stuff you wish you hadn't.

I don't mind if they start with a well-worn trope, because the episode kept abusing it in creative ways.

And thusly the 'shipping began.

For a no-hugs, no-learning kind of show, that was a pretty affecting ending.
Holy balls this show. First of all, A+ on every episode so far, even that one episode (the pilot?) that wasn't as good as the others. Easily the most tightly plotted, creative and funny show on the air right now.
Second, AVC, you need to do

I don't understand why Oliver thinks having a sprawling cast of characters that occasionally fuel their own episodes is such a bad thing,

also, 11 minutes

Well, we can assume that this is leading somewhere, so I wouldn't get too upset about out-of-character.

In the great tradition of Tina and Dr. Girlfriend.

i disagree with every opinion Dikachu has, but if you look back at his comments, he just has a very specific idea about what the show is about. Not trolling.

the apple did not fall far from the tree

EVL needs to weigh in.

Best ENHHHHHHHHHHH moment: Bob teaching Tina to drive in a near-empty parking lot, as she slowly drives the car straight across the lot to hit the only other car.
Also, why isn't the FCC mandating a flying Tina dream in every episode? Our government sucks.