wally donuts

yeah, that might come through better on the delivery but reads forced as hell

they'll end up only stealing 70% of what Clooney did

with the whole thing scored by Frank Oceans

Sling Blade, uh huh

how DMX has not released a Christmas album yet is beyond me

this, so much

she's not even brown so this is a non-story

the anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun

Trevor Phillips is the ultimate race hustler

No you're right I haven't seen any of those additions to the Will Smith oeuvre, but I did catch a few minutes of After Earth once.

only every time I look at my DICK

that and Ali seem to be the only films he did any real acting in

only if he does the whole thing in a southie accent

I'm down with the Reverend too

at least he wasn't in brownface

rubber dinghy rapids, bro

holy shit, how have I never clocked this before?

so 50 Cent will be greying his hair in preparation for the role

The whole thing with Turtrurro and the cat in the shelter is a bit on the nose

oh sweet, the guy from Down and Out in Beverly Hills