wally donuts

"Haha, I'll let myself out."

haha this looks like America's worst nightmare and I can't wait


so I just checked wikipedia and "the guy from After Hours and American Werewolf in London" has been steadily working

Griffin Dunne, now that's a name you don't hear a lot these days

There are very few people on this planet more annoying than James Corden,

Listened to Ritual start to finish a few weeks back for the first time in ages
GOD DAMN that's a beast of an album

Terry Christian's let himself go

Sheriff Of Babylon was really great. I started to lose interest somewhere in the middle but got all caught up and it really came together well by issue 8


yeah, sure, but there is a very strong idea out there about gay men being swishy fairies no matter how many Omar Littles you have on TV

CSI: Akron

my ridah ambitionz = no brown m&ms

It was a bit of a slow episode compared to the first one, too much moody atmospherics and not enough plot for me, but presumably things will kick into gear now Naz is on the Island.

yeah I don't think there was anything to it from Box, but from the omniscient writer standpoint it's a bit of a "look how out of his element this guy is" with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the nuts

ha, foiled again!

Then argue about the thematic significance of The Grand Inquisitor

Or maybe Turturro just has some dirty ass feet

and there was nothing factually incorrect about what you said

there was nothing factually incorrect about what he said