wally donuts

Cumberbatch is a dead ringer

live the fear, love the fear . . .

I was always dubious as to whether Bobby Brown and Dan Ackroyd were in fact "boys"

yeah, but the music's better

wait until some ethnic guy shoots up a zoo

It's no more kooky than just about every other branch of religion

an actual quote from my FB: "Listen to his (Obama's) speeches ,he's never supported the police , he's encouraged devision the whole way . In some cases the negroes are like Muslims , they kill more of each other than anyone else . Everyone will be able to tell you the name of the last African American killed by police

oh do shut up

Norton's impression of a disabled person was absolutely the worst thing about it. Brando was just being old fat Brando. De Niro was living out some weird fantasy meta-life with the jazz club and the statuesque black airline hostess girlfriend. It really is a bizarre film, though I am a sucker for heist stories so it

I've hated Sean Bean ever since 1998

Up voted for schmohawk

I'm not mad I'm just disappointed

I like The Score but goddamn there is serious scenery chewing going on in that film.

Ronin was the last truly great film he starred in

Rubber dinghy rapids, bro

Just glad that Lord Jamar is working

Maxine Peake could shit in a hat and I'd still find it riveting to watch.

I prefer it to his novels

Don't remember which season it was, but the episode with Peter Weller in it was the best

haha I don't really remember too much about it other than the Belushi narration and Lorraine Bracco hamming it up in some demented erotic thriller. Early 1990s was a strange time for cinema.