
HBOGo is a pretty innovative way to add value to their subscription model. You can watch their entire library on your terms any time you want.  You just have to pay for it.

DVDs matter into their metrics.

It's precisely because tv is serialized (i.e. multiple episodes that cost TONS to produce) that they need to squeeze out every last cent they can.

I don't have a problem with a female lead being tough/gruff/badass, etc.- it just seems so one note here.  The performance so far is devoid of the extra layers that make a character intriguing.

We're 6 episodes into the show now, and my main beef with 'Alcatraz' is that Sarah Jones seems totally lacking in charisma/'it' factor in her portrayal of Madsen.

You hit the nail on the head.  His willingness to go on extended riffs just for kicks creates a sense of infectious enthusiasm.

Considering Robert California described himself to Erin as "a ride [she] wouldn't survive" - I'd like to see him tangle with Kelly.  1) I think the show has been lacking some quality Mindy Kaling moments; 2) when her character laser-focuses in on someone - that person has a full-on nightmare to deal with, which would

I kind of loved when he was explaining the erotic adventures he planned to have in the house, b/c they were totally in keeping with the 1990s sexually-intense characters he played when he rolled out of his waspy-asshole career phase.

I agree with you on this 100%.

I think their relationship makes sense in that Carson is at the top of the servant-food-chain and takes a great deal of pride from running the Abbey like a proper Swiss watch and naturally gravitates to Mary since she seems to have the highest opinion of herself among the family.  Mary is a big softie under her "Lady

Lilley's rendition of the line "She's a naughty girl with a bad habit, 
bad habit for drugs" is ridiculously catchy.


The average hairdresser must have to listen to stuff like that EVERY day.  (Although  probably with less grandiosity about the anti christ.)

Ryan Murphy must be the greatest pitchman it tv history!  Clearly the man can sell a concept even when: 
- he has no idea what to do with it, 
- where it's going, 
- and he will probably lose interest in telling the story after year 1.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the extended presence of Rubber Man was prompted by Gwyneth Paltrow after she read the pilot: "But it was a different celebrity who inspired Murphy and Falchuk to pump up the presence of Rubber Man. 'Gwyneth Paltrow read the script just as a friend,' says Murphy of the Glee guest

During Tate's plea for more sessions, I was holding out hope for a series of ghost-group therapy sessions led by Dr. Harmon.

After actively hating this show for weeks, I actually enjoyed/admired AHE for the period of Violet-is-dead revelation through Ben-getting-hanged.  Once the Christmas tree went up I went back to not only disliking it but being bored. (Even the Black Dahlia seemed bored when she told the new owner "You're wide awake"

My thoughts exactly.  (Especially w/ the white dress Vivien was wearing that reminded me of the Laura Ashley number Gena Davis wears throughout.)

After Veena Sud's tone deaf victory lap of press interviews post-finale, I truly believe "The Killing" will get 6 seasons and a movie from AMC just to spite everyone who called the channel out on the show being an Emperor-has-no-clothes product when it was being advertised as the most ground breaking quality crime