
My thoughts exactly.  (Howerton's manic body language while holding his "tools" was insane.)  If Dennis has crossed that line - perhaps that might explain what happened to Nicki Potnick?

It was a nice callback to the opening of "The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis" when he tells Dennis that it's illegal to own a hummingbird as a pet, but Mac could own a gull. "But you don't want to live with a seabird okay, 'cause of the noise level alone on those things…"

It's probably braised celery. American cuisine was pretty bland pre-Julia Child.

On a Ryan Murphy show, isn't most of the world assumed to be homophobic unless proven otherwise?  If only AHS had a saintly singing kid in the cast to show Constance the way!

Re: "Zachary Quinto and Eli Roth. Were they separated at birth, or what?" - I've always though of Roth as resembling mutant-Chet from "Weird Science".

My theory: they showed the Violet birthing scene to reinforce the "But I haven't lost my baby" line.

In the case of American Horror Story I certainly will, "Tonight thank God it's them instead of you!"

Dear Lord - it lives! Just flipped past White Christmas on AMC and the jazz-tap scene playing. Sure enough that melody (at least in the 2nd half I saw) was from the "Lincoln's Birthday" song.

Also, how can a show refer to the Pope & his evil-truth box and 2 weeks later bring in psychic Sarah Paulson (who can telepathically communicate with Violet while speaking to Constance) and not follow it up with some knock-down-drag-out exorcism?  That Croatoan thing was pretty lame.

That is a pretty cogent theory for all the baby-need in that house.  Thank you.


Good point about the Ginger twins existence.  Even though they are awful and hate trees, why can't some of these ghosts who want kids parent them?

Hopefully if the Harmons go, so will the baby-obsession story line.

Shouldn't it be zipping around and yapping in the halls, then as a ghost dog?  Or being groomed and coddled by Quinto's character?

I haven't really cared about Mr. or Mrs. Harmon at all for the duration of this show, but darn it - I actually got a little choked up when Vivian consoled Violet by saying, "But I haven't lost my baby".

Yeah neither the Pope scene or the Roanoke story seem to have panned out as being crucial to the plot.  But as far as random red-herrings go, it's hard to beat Roanoke!  Add in using the death of Sal Mineo and the Black Dahlia, and you have what I assume is the weirdest looking writers' room whiteboard in CA.

Okay, sorta off topic here, but did anyone see the ad promoting "Stop Online Piracy Act" at around the .20 minute mark?  It started with a pitch about stopping "foreign Internet criminals from stealing our jobs" and then compared said piracy with the problem of thieves who steal medication and replace it with

If Psych (which I enjoy!) and Castle were on AMC, the network would be marketing them as pedigree mysteries, the likes of which English speaking nations have not seen since Basil Rathbone first donned his Sherlock cap.  Wasn't the Killing supposed to be this century's gritty answer to Twin Peaks?

You may have stumbled on to some evil-genius plan from the creators of TWD: make the human characters as God-awful boring/annoying/dumb so that when the zombies amble onscreen they are a welcome relief.

"older hang-out dramas that fail the character test as spectacularly as Walking Dead…?" - Maybe the last season of Northern Exposure where they brought in Paul Provenza as a replacement doc w/ wife Terri Polo, and every character's motivation seemed to shift (Maggie and  DJ Chris as a romantic pair?).  I had a lot of