I had the same reaction to Jim condescending to Maggie at the bar. It's a fine line between aw-shucks "mansplaining" to her that she is having an anxiety attack in the pilot (which was pretty obnoxious), to this passive aggressive asshattery.
I had the same reaction to Jim condescending to Maggie at the bar. It's a fine line between aw-shucks "mansplaining" to her that she is having an anxiety attack in the pilot (which was pretty obnoxious), to this passive aggressive asshattery.
I'm no Olivia Munn fan, but she is running rings around the "better" actors on the show.
Exactly. Or Brian Williams on Fallon/SNL, Diane Sawyer doing double duty for years on the nightly news and GMA, heck - even Gwen Ifill has been on Sesame Street!
Ugh. Jim is the worst. The passive-aggressive comments to Maggie at the bar about the importance of secrecy re: the Genoa story made me hate him more than Season 1 Don.
Or possibly,"Jihad this, motherfucker!"
In the first couple of seasons I think the show was actively trying to match the provocative race/class/sex/religion/civil-rights/possums themes raised in the credits, although even at its best TB has never lived up to the promise of those credits.
For some reason your "Do YOU SEE?" is reminding me of the scene in "Traffic" when Topher Grace turns Erika Christensen on to smoking heroin and he says "now you SEE!". A detailed conversation of the plot/logic holes & follys in the True Blood finale seems like it would be right at home in a fictional Cincinnati drug…
@Kumagoro:disqus , I was thinking the same thing. I realize one of the Hallmarks of True Blood is that none of the characters seem to have any meaningful memory of the plot developments that happened to them since the show began, but I find it odd that Sookie would be all "whatever" about Jason being claimed by a…
In a decade that celebrated the saxophone, this had one of the sax-iest opening themes!
What have the ravages of time done to Frank Whaley's face?!?
"Like such love-hate TV phenomena as Peaks, the David Caruso of NYPD Blue, and the fourth season of Community, it at least has the consolation of knowing that people only feel that betrayed by something they once really, really liked." How could viewers feel betrayed by David Caruso-era NYPD Blue as a show "they…
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , I'd say you owe Nellie Andreeva another feather for her cap after deriding her May 11 post as chum and clickbait. Admittedly, you did give her the benefit of the doubt by calling her, "a good reporter, and if somebody were to know about this clearly impossible thing…
The difference in Episode 3 is pretty glaring - especially at the beginning when they have a scene supposedly set minutes after Lucille tried to get away in the Queen Mary and the footage toggles back and forth between the season 3 finale (where PRD can move her forehead/emote/and does her trademark glare with her…
C'mon you know The Gathering Storm was robbed - it opened with Neville Chamberlain doing a tap dancing spectacular w/ the number "Appeasement Shuffle"! How does that not with the Tony for Choreography?
You summed up in 4 succinct sentences what it took me 3 rambling paragraphs to get at.
I'm torn on how to feel about TOTL.
I think the answer lies in who's sitting in the editing room choosing which take of each shot. Harmon was deeply invested in editing the show, thus the pace/zip/zing/tone of the final product were a reflection of his tastes & sensibility.
@avclub-213aac604c535d3193d0e77427bfa34f:disqus My hunch is that either consciously or unconsciously the creative team & writing staff were stuffing a lot of "typical Community" gags where they might not have organically existed in the Harmon era as a signpost to the audience (and perhaps themselves) that they are…
The expressions Yvette Nicole Brown was making with her eyes while Pierce was giving the focus group people tips cracked me up, as did Pudi's face when Abed was watching the blasphemous changes made to the Americanized version of the show. The tone of her voice when she apologized to Abed was also terrific.
@avclub-ffffda8ada4827900cbf65fd20281080:disqus Are you sure? For all the internet-ink the Harmon-Sony breakup generated you would think it was contentious enough to have led to a murder-suicide, or at least a highway chase in a white Bronco.