return of the thin white duke

I remember the name being mentioned a couple times in every book. It came up when Rowling needed to reference a couple Hufflepuff students during specific scenes.

Your totally right about this. Also, on a HP movie tangent, the actress who played Ginny did a surprisingly good job with the role despite being given a really weak character.

I have to admit, that movie looks fucking epic, and I'm an atheist.

I laughed my ass off when they cut to Wahlberg's face after a few seconds of robots.

Your right, we shouldn't label him guilty yet. But I think we are all in agreement that Woody Allen is a creep.

But Mia had made similar accusations against Woody in the early 90's too, and a few of them consisted of her detailing Woody's *inappropriate* behavior towards then five year old (I believe) Dylan.

Jerry "Enter Sandman" Sandusky?

The best compliment anyone could give to PSH was that he without a doubt improved the quality of every single film he was in. He was a genuine talent that had so much more to offer. RIP

A couple days late checking out this article and I agree, Nunez. Why is it that successful athletes constantly forget to thank the hours of hard work they THEMSELVES trained at their craft?

You just accurately described my own feelings towards Super Bowl parties. As an actual fan of the game, it used to really get under my skin at those parties when some dipshit snacking on Doritos would pipe up every five minutes or so and ask "When is the halftime starting".
This practice continued midway through the…

My father was mystified by those commercials. He couldn't believe that a porn website could advertise during the Super Bowl.
I still haven't told him that GoDaddy is not a porn site.

Original Mean Joe Greene ad.

That title gives me a great idea for a slash fic epic.
I'll be in my bunker….

I'd totally go gay for him.

True, there did seem to be some actual football played this year, what with a few big hits between teammates on different sides. But any contest that features a QB (Drew Brees, I think) dropkicking an extra point for no apparent reason seems to be devoid of ideas, or usefulness.

I've read that Goodell wants to abolish the extra point (which is a great, exciting idea) by the start of next season. If only he could rid us of the idiocy that is the Pro Bowl.

I'm also not sure what is surprising here. I always thought that Europeans regard American football the same way that Americans regard rugby or cricket: a sport totally and completely warped to them.

Also "12 Years a Slave".

I agree with much of your comment CineCraft, except for the comparison to slavery. For football to constitute slavery, it would require that young men be forced against their will to play the game, which is not the case in reality.

I think it's amusing when I hear people say how exciting football is when 80% of the game features the players just standing around while the announcers pontificate on how important everything is.
(I say this as a big-time football fan)