return of the thin white duke

As a sports fan and a film geek, I get where your coming from. I've found that mentioning Kevin Durant during discussions about Tombstone generates quite a few quizzical expressions.

I think a lot of the vitriol in these comments is derived from the title, which is unreasonably arrogant. The article itself is really just pure Onion/ AV Club snark.

The title of this article seems like it is was written by a Slate editor.

Or that Phil Collins really does care what you say about him.

I agree. Enjoying sports is just another meaningless, though fun, way to pass time. When those who don't enjoy sports chime in and announce that they "read Pride and Predjudice" or whatever during the big sporting event, they come off to me as elitist. I think the point of the first few paragraphs of this article is

That depends, was Leto dressed like Rayon from "Dallas Buyers Club"? Because that would make sense in context to the lyrics of "Wild Side". Also "Sister Ray".

Forgot the Grammys were even on last night, and have been catching up on the events last night via this website and others. One question I have that hasn't been answered by a commentator on this or other threads yet: was there a Lou Reed tribute (I assume there was) and was it good? Serviceable? Terrible?

But shouldn't Reznor be expecting this kind of fuckup from the Grammys? Because, you know, he did agree to perform at the fucking ass backwards Grammys.

Where have you been? He's been doing that since the late 80's.

He's black in spirit.

God that sounds like an awesome flick. Is there a role for Samuel L. Jackson in there? He and QT are a magical combination.

Very well explained opinion there! You should really follow that dream of becoming the next Ebert.

Damn it all. Hopefully he's still able to give Bruce Dern a juicy role in the next film he makes, whatever that may be.

He is, truly, the King of Kings.

Honestly I find bad films to be just as instructive in a "What not to do" sense as good films are the other way around.
Also The Room is fucking laugh riot.
"Oh HAI Mark!"

With an accent three times as creepy and unintelligible.

We all missed out on a possibly life-altering Newswire. Damn shame indeed.

I normally find myself in agreement with the AVC when it comes to film criticism, but the amount of praise given to Frances Ha astounds me. I found Greta Gerwig to be painfully irritating (perhaps that was the point), and the rest of the cast were one-note and boring. Also, the black and white cinematography was dull