
Man? I was going to guess "bears".

I've been thinking about what to do. I also have a panel of the parachutes landing in the field (first one I made), but I found it's too impersonal. Watching the movie carefully, you find that the heart of it isn't in the action scenes, but in the emotional beats that come just before and after the action. This is

For those who are curious, here's my quilt in progress:

Lemur: The "AVENGE ME!" scene is my avatar.

Red Dawn
Frighteningly plausible.

If Hurley is Charlie, who's Hurley?

It's like they say in the opening credits - the past is like a another planet. If you're from 2008, 1973 sucks. If you're from 1973, it's home.

The BSG writers could learn a valuable lesson from this episode:

And Necrobutcher will staple coupons to your chest.

I got a little bored towards the end, and started flipping through the channels. So for me, the episode ended with Gilbert Gottfried doing The Aristocrats.

My favourite moment
"You have a woman shackled to a chair!"

For the "Razor" TV movie, the BSG folk put online three hours of the writers room conversation, as they tried to map out what would happen. The process they go through is fascinating, and you can see how a rough sketch gets turned into a well thought out script.

This is a good episode to contrast with Lost.


Maybe I'll come around to it in time, but for now this was far and away the dumbest episode BSG has done to date.

Also, this episode was full of Deus ex Machina: Bullet in the brain = exposition machine.

Cavil: Exposition exposition? Ellen: Exoposition exposition exposition!
In a podcast, Cruse and Lindelof, the creators of Lost, explained what they would do if the series was canceled prematurely.

She only lasted one episode in BSG.

Nana Visitor
America's sweetheart!

Where is this all going?
The writers have been burning through plot points pretty quickly this season - the CIP device is gone, the Sengalan president has been rescued, Almeda isn't evil, most of Dubaku's team is dead, and the Prince of Space has been shot but found.