
Also, the original short story by David Brin is great.

I like Postman for it's realism. Seriously.

"Let's let Kevin Costner make another post-apocalyptic epic."
"The Postman" isn't half as bad a movie as you think it is. Give it another look-see!

Before the 'reveal', when Rousseau called out to Montand, I grinned.

Dead dog man
I liked that the monster was killed in the crash. On most shows, the entire episode would have involved the team chasing/being-chased-by the porcupine/dog/man through the woods, but the writers decided to dispense with it in the first 10 minutes and move on. Good move!

"CAT SUPPLY" made me laugh. Do these stores exist?

Security Tape
Here's what you do for CDs (DVDs are still problematic):

I was sorry to see the Pegasus engineer get killed. I don't remember his name (Lir?), but I liked him a lot when he was introduced way back when.

In my next book, I'm going to pretend to have cancer. When Chemo makes me feel worse, I'll explain how I'm too smart for it.

In the closing credits, young Widmore is credited as "British Guy / Jones".

My favourite moment
"What is this?"
"It's a compass."
"What does it do?"
"It points north, John."

This assumes Obama keeps his genitals somewhere south of the knees.

I hate to be the science nerd, but the common cold virus isn't a single celled organism. It's not an organism at all.

Lori Petty
America's sweetheart!

Every president in 5 minutes
From John Hodgeman's "Little Grey Books" series (all excellent), give a listen to the last 5 minutes or so of:

This week's homework
Thesis: The more we see government stumbling from crisis to crisis in the real world, the more we seek out massive, elaborate conspiracies in fiction.