
If people say they've "lost faith" in Community, they can go and watch The Big Bang Theory or Whitney or Two and a Half Men. Fucking Idiots.

I Probably shouldn't be happy this is actually happening.

A good day to Blow Hard.

It'd be awkward if it was your favorite show.

I feel like it was to reinforce "LOOK! THAT'S NOT HER!" Maybe it'll come into play later. I'm happy this show is getting better.

I rather enjoyed the first season, but yeah, the Second elevated it a lot. My favorite moment was learning that real Ames appeared on the show naked.

Well, Lah-De-Dah-De-Dah, Mr Big Shot. What are you going to do next, watch Sex and the City?

I think it was a B or a B+ personally, but I do have a soft spot for this show.

lol whats metro

I want to drive you through the night, down the hills.
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear.
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear.
There's something inside you!
It's hard to explain!


I understand it's off topic, but does anyone know if A.V. Club are covering Bored to Death tonight? It's not on their calendar.

It would have at least been classier. But I guess that's not SNL is it?
Edit: Classier as in they wouldn't have to include a massive fart, I'm not saying racism is classy.

Pedrad is a very good comic actress. She just needs a vehicle. Quirky comedy alá New Girl or something good?

That's exactly what I think. It was especially clear in the "All My Children" skit.

Also, favorite sketch of the night was the halloween party at first.
"Truth for me also."
"Obviously. It has a hat."
"Yeah I think something bad's gonna happen."
Then the fart totally killed it. I almost got up and left the room. Stupid, Disappointing SNL.

Ew, he has morals. Dick.

They did it in the office sketch last week where he played Black Mailman with Balloons.

Yeah, I don't think she's a very good actress. I enjoy all the other women though, even Wiig when she's not being annoying. So like, twice a year.

I don't understand why Killam is only a featured. I mean, they use him in every sketch and Pharaoh/Brittan are hardly used once an episode. I'm not keen on Bayer myself.