
For some reason I don't like Vanessa Bayer. She just blends into the background, even if she's leading a sketch.

So A.V. Club- Who's your favorite current player? I'm torn between Hader and Sudeikis.

More Noir Chang! I already edited his story together into a 6-minute video and posted it on Facebook as "The Arizona Matchbook: A Detective Chang Story".

He's in a "Comic Strip Presents…" film this Friday as Tony Blair. I am mildly excited.

@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus Yep.

It's the one where there's something with a horse race and all the jockeys are elves. I only remember it because I looked it up on wikipedia.

It almost disgusts me when the internet overreacts.

You spelled Too wrong. Little ironic.


Take a smarter man than me to link them.

Seriously? I've known the group were horrible people since the first episodes. Pierce is of course racist and has no kind heartedness about him, trying to help people for attention. Shirley pretends to be good but is extremely pious and actually quite prejudice against other religions. Jeff is a douche who gets caught

"my words rang in my head like a bell in a head" got me. I'm sorry, but I fucking love Chang. Fuck all y'all!

What's a Writeup? I feel like a noob!

Also, I wish this was a theme episode. A Noir theme episode, with the main characters popping up as witnesses or something and Chang as full on Noir detective.

Chang is going to become a good character. I promise!

When I realized what they were doing I didn't know whether to clap or groan.
EDIT: Also, I love how Ron's Mustache is still growing back from last week.

I just really, really want them to do more Noir Chang. I think the character needs a hook, because being totally insane just doesn't cut it anymore. I mean, everyone on the show is insane in their own way (even Todd.)

I like this guy. I'm voting for you in the next fake-real-television-straw poll-real poll-fake election-election!

Ugh, everyone hates you and wants you to shut up.

I might check it out then.