
For Community, I'd like to see…

I never read after the fall or the IDW series, but I might read Angel and Faith. The reason is that I heard the comics were for those dissapointed by the end of the tv series, which I honestly, truly loved.

I think the first season of Heroes was the best superhero series in a while. We don't talk about the other seasons…

lemme just let you know, Angel SHOULD have got a sixth season. Their ratings were up since last season and everyone thought it was going to go on for at least one more season. I think I can safely say

They sure are. Counts of references today from me: approx 35

@avclub-3fe1fdfda58715ff89476bc53fe3d5f8:disqus I loved the B-Plot of "Iced, Iced Babies" where Roger pretends to be a professor at Hayley's college and her crush falls in love with him and goes insane. I still quote/remember vividly that entire sequence."Moonlight…Becomes you…*sobs*"

I did like how it randomly dropped the ted narration on the 140th episode and will never drop it again.
Also, I laughed a lot. For me it was B+ material (For some reason my biggest laugh was "Identical Straight Twin Brothaaaa!")

I've always seen Dexter as more of a dark comedy. I think even in it's darker moments, there's still a comic feel to a lot of it.

Cue spree of facebook quotes…

Anyone happen to catch The Cleveland Show, and was it any good? I only ask because of the crossover.

Heroes was an inside job.

You live in a dry county?
*Off colour Islam joke*
I so edgey.

It's just like when Parks jumped the shark with Freddy Spaghetti, or when Breaking Bad jumped the shark when he shaved his hair.
In short: I sarcastically disagree.


I think the whole Britta/Chang thing was so bizzare that is was funny. Lionel Ritchie's 'Hello' and the insane doll suit were just priceless.

I thought it was alright;I think it's the first time I liked the Chang plot more than the main one.

Haha! This show is really growing on me. Everyone's cast perfectly.

It's funny how, over here in the UK, most critics just call the show ludicrous and stupid.

I know he missed the United Flight 11 by about 5 minutes. So yeah.

Doesn't help that he sounds like a character on Gossip Girl.