
I absolutely loved it. Screw you, A.V. Club!
I'm sorry.
No I'm Not!

"I think the staff is stealing our silver"

Not as annoying as Whitney. her face will forever be burned into my mind.

Awesome! Wait…Goddamn, it's not Beyond. Damn you, NBC!


I loved that episode, which is why i was dissapointed when A.V. Club gave it a low rating (D?)

"Condemn them father, for they know exactly what they do!"

Agreed. I fucking love this show.

The thing I'm most excited for this season is the seventh episode, which has charisma carpenter and James marsters playing a married couple.

It's brilliant how many Inspector Spacetime threads there are on 4chan (/tv/ board)

Well I guess it would be nice
If I could be on MTV
So please, please, take a look at me
For the Real World

"Our Mom's name's LaQuanda."

It's probably part of the reason Community and Parks don't get very good ratings: You can't promote a show like Community by saying "are you upset that there hasn't been any community and stuff? Well you're in luck, derp!" it doesn't convey any of the humor. Same with parks, disregards actual promoting for a bunch of

are you kidding? There's still idiots planking all over the place- in the UK at least

I expected it to be terrible. I'm not afraid to say I laughed my ass off.

i don't know if this has been brought up before, but I realized last night how terribly NBC promotes their comedies.

I only laughed once, at "Double-Entendre Guy", and that was mostly a 'Why the fuck am I watching this?' laugh.

Well, we've never really seen Abed 'upset'. That is the scream of genuine fear.

For me 218 (Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy) was my favorite of the season last year.

I loved Troy's reaction