
I'm not posting them here, come to tinychat

TEMPORARY. DISQUS fully merged my Evil Jeff acount with EvilBritta without my permission. this is my old account. I'm uploading three things to vimeo - recordings of my "play", the play based on the grey (which I now realise I totally Armond White'd, it's not as good as I said it was) and one of the other plays. I

Plus, they've done stuff kind of like that before (9th episode of 1st season was Debate 109, and other examples I can't remember) So it makes sense. It just popped into my mind when watching the episode for the 4th time.

One on top and one on bottom, one's inside and ONE IS OUT! One is screaming, he's so happy, the other's screaming a PASSIONATE SHOUT!

Noel said he though SHP was very good comically; in fact, I found a lot of the episode quite disturbing, especially when Fred says she 'hurts'. That's what makes this group of episodes stand out for me.

My favorite is still Season 2's "Charlie goes America" but I do really enjoy "Retarded Person", mostly for Nightman/Dayman.
"Dayman! Ahhhhhh! Fighter of the Nightman! Ahhhhhh! Champion of the Sun!"

@avclub-9b3830a0e653eacc7dddc995f193fc8f:disqus I was explaining to some people that if the episodes had been shown in the right order, the Chang injection might have been a bit more split up.

Last episode? Maybe.

I only noticed it on my fourth viewing. I've literally watched it about seven times now, not tired of it at all.

If you liked the first season, I guarantee you will like the second season. Highlights include Jonathon being held hostage, Kevin Bacon's appearance as Kevin Bacon that's not awkward or weird, and creator Jonathon Ames playing Leah's new boyfriend.

I just love how sometimes they dip into these sly satrical themes. The whole freedom bar thing really worked for me, and Charlie's hilarity doesn't even need to be mentioned.

I think Community was better. Adam Scott's batman deserves a feature film though (Anzari as Robin-Called it)

Community's going to last one more season after this, two if it's lucky.

Community was excellent last night, a statement you may hear a lot on the internet.

It's why I enjoy television more than film. You can do self contained stuff and not have to do any introductions. Episodes like this are almost like an excellent short film.

Good, good. You should probably post it on fanfic so thousands of 12 year-old prepubescent fat girls can comment "OMg luved it ^.^ xx <3 <3"

I know a girl who dyed her fringe a different color every week and changed her name to Althea Valentine at 18. She could have easily been a character in Scott Pilgrim.

Do you guys think the show's still good? I'm in the 3rd season at the moment and loving it (My favorite episode so far is "Charlie goes America All Over Everyone's Asses").

Also, at the start, Britta says "Didn't they say 304?"
Annie responds "Nope, 303, I wrote it down."
I have a feeling this might have been added in through a voiceover recently, and it's referring to the fact episode 3 and 4 got switched.
Or maybe i'm just the saddest human being alive.