
He had the best line of the film but he's not in it for very long.

I'd love to teach one of Shakespeare's histories to my students but unfortunately, most public schools can't afford to buy new class sets unless they know they'll be used for a very long time. I recently sat in on a budget meeting for my department for the next year and had to fight tooth and nail for a new set of The

Ditto on Platoon - ours was in a religion class meant to highlight ethics, I think. I don't remember much except thinking "holy shit, they're letting us watch this??"

The last school I taught at insisted that we send permission slips home if we wanted to show a movie with a higher rating than PG, regardless of the age of students in the class.

Ditto. I remember watching the movie and really loving it (despite it's failings) when it was aired here so I was ridiculously excited to see Paul McGann back, if only for a little while.

For some reason (I got snowed under with work, I suspect) I missed the final two episodes of season two when they aired here. I might have to give them a watch now

No love for Terry's suppressed yawns? Easily the best part of the episode for me

Um no. We would very much like to give him back, thanks

In my old apartment we used to get Funnel Webs at least once a week. Now they are the worst.

I thought I was the only one underwhelmed by this. It's entertaining and I thought Amy Acker and Fran Kranz had a great grasp on the language/really stood out but there was a lot that was just…eh.

Interestingly, the assignment my students had was based around Friar Lawrence and his role in the story (ie, his guilt) and they became really opinionated and into it.

I taught Romeo & Juliet last term actually but yeah, none of my students are at all interested in this.

Yep, sorry kids but we're still sticking with the "really old" Baz Luhrmann one in my classroom.

As a language teacher and someone who's worked hard to master the few languages I can speak I always get crazy annoyed when a character is just given an 'oh I can speak 6 languages fluently' line. It doesn't help that this guy is practically the definition of beige.

When I lived in Russia I used to like going to see cheesy movies for that precise reason. It really made both Spiderman and POTC 3 much more bearable

Yeah, not in my country it wasn't.

The fact that I live way up in the tropics rather than a reasonable city means I get terrible film releases so from what I've seen thus far this year:

I have a soft spot for really terrible monster movies so I was willing to give this a shot until I realised they were just going ahead and calling Aaron Eckhart's character Frankenstein. (Although IMDB tells me he's credited as Adam?)

Hey, sometimes you can get Dr Buttons to say 'boobies'

That makes me think of a ridiculous donkey!