
The April-Ann storyline seemed a bit pointless. So April just decides not to pursue her vet course and that's that? I don't particularly want her to go off to Bloomington because I love having her around Pawnee but there definitely needs to be some more explanation of that otherwise it just seems like lazy writing.


Absolutely. There was no way SHIELD could live up to the hype of it being the "new Whedon project"/Avengers TV show whereas Sleepy Hollow totally knocked me over with how silly and charming it was. At the moment, I would easily choose the latter over the former

I have a huge fictional crush on book Sirius Black. Also Gary Oldman, which is convenient.

Excellent! This is good news to wake up to. I love how absolutely ridiculous this show is, it's a lot of fun to watch and Tom Mison isn't exactly sore on the eyes.

I would absolutely watch a movie of your dream

Actually, I'm for Prisoner of Azkaban but I think that's probably influenced by the fact that PoA is my favourite of the books. I just feel like it's the turning point of the series, it's where we find out more about Lily and James, where we meet several important characters. Also there's a werewolf and time travel.

I have irrational rage issues related to young kids on reality TV shows.

Is now the right time to suggest an Aslan does Taken scenario?

I love the Magician's Nephew but the image I have in my head of the creation of Narnia isn't something that any film could really do justice to.

I hear he's a tiger-wrestling hunk.

The Empty Child/Doctor Dances are my picks for the best Nu Who episodes hands down (though I also love Human Nature/Family of Blood).

God, those episodes actually gave me nightmares. Especially the shot of the guy just slowly sliding out from under the woman's bed. Because I'm not already scared of things under the bed enough as it is.

Broadchurch has been on my to-watch list for a long time. Should I take the plunge or will it just devastate me?

I was absolutely heartbroken by Amy and Rory's deaths. It was a perfect ending but still devastating

I would learn Spanish just to watch this.

I have a friend who still likes to occasionally leave me 'Are you my Mummy?' voicemail. That is definitely in my top 5 favourite Who episodes.

Actually, the one with the clown is the one that freaked me out most. And by freaked me out I mean I had to watch it with the lights on. All the lights.

According to my mum Mike is now on some other TV show she saw. I want to say the Blacklist because it seems like the sort of thing she'd watch.

But it's a fairytale town. How's a fairytale town not your fucking thing?