
Don't blink.

Just try turning it off and on again

I always forget about Dinosaurs but God, that was one hell of a bleak ending for the show it was.

I have only watched the finale once but it just absolutely devastated me. It's absolutely perfect

I can never watch the MASH ending without tearing up

I liked this episode well enough but it wasn't anything spectacular. I found the whole "don't have to be the whole answer" or whatever a little too on the head but hey, they're just starting out and it's definitely still entertaining.

So, what does one have to do to receive a visit from the shower police?

I have watched that one clip repeatedly since I first saw it. I love Lee Pace and apparently Thranduil is some sort of diva? I'm ok with that

I agree, the song's catchy and it is fun, I just wish I'd seen it for the first time when I was totally sober.

Liked just for your use of 'chicanery'

The only thing this article did was me think 'damn it's a long time since I've watched An American in Paris'

The first time I saw the Rock DJ I was a little…under the influence…and was really, really, creeped out.

Of all the bears to choose, you pick the one that isn't actually a bear.

Mandy Patinkin!

I would watch an entire series of Quinn and Saul having In Bruges-esque adventures

You usually need a degree to get a job as a teacher here (there are some exceptions with skilled workers. For example, a school I taught at had a Man.Arts teacher whose only qualification was in carpentry) but to get a teaching job, or any sort of job in or around a school requires a thorough background check and card.

Maybe I've been deadened by the bureaucracy of working in education but I assume America has the same sort of card system we have here that would stop a curly haired moron handing over the care of an extracurricular activity to someone with zero experience/approval to work with minors/vulnerable people?

Between that and the ice cream, Todd's got to be the cutest sociopath this side of the Mississippi

In my fantasy, he moves to Alaska and builds beautifully ornate boxes for a local Inuit community

I like to think Huell's still sat in that room waiting for Hank to come back.