
I'm rewatching the entire series at the moment. I got through S1 and 2 in quick succession but am stalled at the beginning of S3. I know there's some great stuff coming but God, these episodes are a drag.

I collect bad Shakespeare adaptations (I'm an English teacher and easily amused, apparently) and this is one of my favourites.

Yeah, I felt pleased with myself that I spotted that one (even though it was crazy obvious) because I am the person who NEVER gets the clues

10/10 would swipe

I can't believe it!

If attractive men in gorgeous suits are your thing (and why wouldn't they be?) then he's all the way dreamy.

That was the scene that broke me. I sobbed through the last minute or so.

The end credits certainly seem to point to that

My neighbours must have thought I was being murdered because I spent the entirety of the episode either shouting 'Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God' or 'no, no, no' over and over again.

I rewatched it this weekend. I'd totally forgotten how absolutely brilliant it was.

I saw and loved it but feel a bit weird recommending it to people

Cohen was lovely in Hugo.

A. I laughed out loud at quite a few points throughout. Favourite episode so far.

God I thought I was the only one!

I thought that the drugging could have damaged her/had repercussions for sure but I wasn't sure if her blank staring wasn't just a reaction to all of the shit that she'd been through

For me it's 4, 8 and 9 who always top my list.

Apparently I'm the Eighth. I'm kind of ok with that

I had my fingers crossed for his making an appearance in Day of the Doctor but alas, it wasn't to be. I did get Tom Baker though, who was my favourite doctor.

Just finished watching this and I absolutely sobbed. I thought David Bradley was a spot on pick for Hartnell.

9 is near the top of my favourite doctors (and definitely my favourite from NuWho) so I think I'm going to have to rewatch these with you. Especially looking forward to The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances as in my top five of NuWho episodes