meth lab for cutie

Cousin is commonly misspelled? Convenience? Interestingly enough I chose to spell gray as grey just because I think it looks better.

I'm content to let them have their fantasy-fulfillment show.

Abusive relationship sounds about right, since after watching two minutes of that garbage show I wanted to punch someone in the throat.

Where was __________?

Great point, but my comment was more about the reviewer acting like everyone would catch that just because it was obvious to them.

The school shooting wasn't unearned, they set it up by having a news report in the background talk about a mass shooting in one of the early episodes. The bigger issues were that the group's faith in her was not earned, at all, the teacher I could see her clinging onto Prairie like that, the other issue was the red

You'd be surprised how many people didn't notice that Stranger Things was playing on the tv. I think as a television critic you're used to paying more attention to the entirety of what's unfolding, not just what the camera wants you to focus on.

She's now saying that this was a joke which is… kind of worse. There wasn't anything remotely funny about what she said and she's basically just offending feminists. I'm sure there are female comedians out there who could turn this into a (pretty dark) joke… but from this particular individual, nuh-uh.

Her thing with Odell Beckam Jr. was pushing it. I think that's the closest she'll get though.

True, but that's kind of skewed. If you live in a large city you're more likely to at least see a transgendered person. Depends on where you live, where you hang out.

I truly loathe this woman.

A murder of assassins? What, too on the nose?

The "evolution" is that he's getting way fucking worse. Growth via attrition. If this show doesn't end up with him dying I'll be real shocked.

Hilarious. Is his show still on the air though?

It's almost like people aren't even paying attention to what they're watching.

Leon was like.. a proto-Darius (Atlanta).

I honestly expected them to start fucking in the middle of it, consensual, though.

Elliot also shat on his knowledge of computers.

To be fair, that is not often the case.

You unlock this door with the key of imagination…