meth lab for cutie

How could anyone nazi see this coming?

Cool fans.

.. was it poop? I'm guessing poop.

This was my immediate thought as well. That would've been the simplest way to deal with the situation. Perhaps due to the fact that Jesse isn't even willing to indulge a vague request is why Cass doesn't even bother going into detail. Jesse's abused the voice for dumb reasons ever since he got it, so saying no like

I don't know about the rest of you, but I was ready to laugh my ass off when Dany and Jon made out in the cave, but instead, we got soul-crushing disappointment.

I had the same reaction watching that battle… I like Bronn, I like Jaime, I like Dany, I like the dragons… aahhhhh!

Has Peter Peter Serafinowicz been on yet? If not, he gets my vote.

Eh, I thought it was terrific.

I got pretty misty when I saw everyone on the ship together. Excellent reveal.

For real, I laughed a lot throughout this episode. Best bit was the phone convo between Jeff and Jonathan, oh and Ozzie's facial expressions towards Jonathan after calling him a tool. So good.

Teenage Jesus & The Jerks during the "Buy and Fuck" montage… nice!

Seriously, I came here hoping that the reviewer would talk about how awesome / hilarious it was and not a fucking thing other than a snarky, "Ugh, juxtaposition. Ack!"

Seriously, just leave us left coasters to our own devices. We'll just be here living off government weed money.

Please stop calling Debbie - Reggie, it's ridiculous, and this is now two articles that you've done this. Jesus.

My girlfriend has big boobs and is fond of wearing low cut things, for lols I watch people's eyes as they walk past her and loads of women will check out her tits. It doesn't always have to be a sexual thing.

We also got episod without the (second) e; taking an avant-garde approach to writing.

Eh, well that's not that deep of a dig, but really, if SV needs anything it's less Middleditch at this point, his character's a huge bummer right now.

The best part of that exchange was the "Oh, fuck." after Jared compared it to Jesus.

How so? I didn't see anything where he badmouthed him, in fact he praised him multiple times… Alec Berg, though, he went hard at and said straight up that he doesn't like him and questioned his intelligence.