meth lab for cutie

Not that I follow any of it, but I seriously hope Mr. Robot has won some kind of music related awards… because, yeah, the music choices are amazing. For as much as they use actual songs, not having crap ones is pretty imperative and they fucking nail it. The way it's edited is pretty fantastic as well, only using

You know, not everyone has interactions with transgendered people, so knowing how to properly talk about them is beneficial to some people. Anyway, if you think that's bad, there's entire essays out there about the casting choice and, yeah, slippery slope, this.

He played the same type of character on The Office so his performance here seemed a little one note, tbh, though it was much more impactful on the Office as you didn't really expect that he would be running an illicit darknet craigslist… ha.. Craig's list.

Agreed. The fact that they easily took him out of a hospital room was pretty damn telling. Plus where they kept him looked more like an abandoned mental hospital (seen many crap horror movies) than a warehouse.

So many great side scrolling action games back in the day.

I don't know what that means nor do I want to… is it a pee thing?

That bed seems very sanitorium-esque. Also, the church group would make more sense as would his days being so regimented. Could be rehab, too or a halfway-house. He doesn't have a job but he's always eating in a cafeteria with the same dude… yeah something's clearly up.

Isn't there always someone plopped in front of the tv when he has a guest? I remember it being the same with Gideon and now Darlene. For her to ask that when there was clearly someone only 15 feet away seemed weird.

I counted, four, I believe. Fuck God, Fuck Me, Ready to Fuck? and I'm pretty sure there was one more.

I once saw a pigeon eating dog shit… and I've seen Pink Flamingos so my tolerance is rather high.

Disturbing that I was thinking the same exact thing, but without the Trainspotting frame of reference.


Upvoted for "whilst".

I don't think that was meant to be vague, it was pretty obvious that that was him. Whether it was real or not, who knows.

You do realize that you need four n's for that, but you only have three, right?

I'm not even that much of a Sonic Youth fan but when I heard that I thought… that's gotta be Sonic Youth.

Ditto. I was actually disappointed that it wasn't Atmosphere after hearing the percussion. Someone either ripped it off or it was a weird remix / cover / homage.

Obviously I'm late getting around to watching this, but the score in conjunction with that last scene was superb.

I thought this show was fucking great, I don't care.

… with this one weird trick.