meth lab for cutie

I have no clue, honestly, why don't you try it and find out? If you're concerned that Reddit is being overtaken by racists then suggesting to stay away from things on there were racist people might be, doesn't seem assholish, more like common sense. Nice attempt at spinning something innocuous into something

Ha, that's great. It's just… too shiny and well-maintained to be believable. If he had his luxurious hair, but it was maintained like Dean Ambrose's, it would be much better. It just looks too "nice" to be taken seriously.

It clearly depends on what subreddit you're visiting. If it's something liberal or racial themed, chances are you're gonna get trolls. If it's something that has nothing to do with anything like that, you're safe.

Ha, I have no clue where that site is, sorry. Anyway, you're being ridiculous. There may be hate groups on Reddit but there's also anti-hate groups on there as well. For the most part you have to actively seek toxic shit out, it's not like on Youtube where someone says something racist, misogynistic, homophobic or

Ah okay. I don't watch WWE anymore I just read about it and I've been genuinely puzzled by his hair and the lack of reaction to it.

Did you confuse Reddit with Twitter?

Why does no one talk about how fucking awful AJ Styles' hair is?

Seattle's pretty bad, too.

Thank you!

This comment section is rife with new and wonderful suggestions on how to reddit better.

Hmm, I've found the reddit for my hometown NFL team to be one of the most awful subs I've ever been on. My experience apart from that on Reddit has been great.

Definitely. Reddit is great for very specific things. The fact that it's an umbrella for all of the specific things is what makes it great.

When you get a feel for how the majority of a specific sub act, you eventually know what type of behavior will be received poorly. The biggest adjustment I had to make was being less snarky. Sarcasm doesn't go over very well.

Well Reddit specifically states that you should only downvote if it doesn't actively contribute to the topic's conversation, but you'll get downvoted for pretty much anything. What's important is that at the end of the day, it's all meaningless.

According to the subs that I visit, Reddit is very much alive and doing just fine, thank you.

I was about to mention Cracked.

… in that they are both human beings?

fucking awful.
haha, sex isn't as hard as darts! (so true!) and really, thanks for explaining what sexual prowess means, i was so lost for that one second. this was like watching a drunken amateur on open mic night, give me a break. haha sex noises are funny! sigh. i miss when stand up was all white people talk like

delocated's second season was much better than fine. i will concede that i haven't seen much of children's hospital, but i can't imagine it topping delocated.

ha. i probably should've read the comments first, but i had to voice my displeasure first.