meth lab for cutie

so, children's hospital but not delocated? ridiculous. nice to see archer, though.

seattle drivers are also fucking terrible once it starts raining. which makes no goddamn sense.

eric kahn, go the fuck away.

i think you mean Snort the Line.

got the douche part right.

i live in maine and i highly advise against this.

the latter is worse, in my opinion. as for the person who equates white trash with a racial slur for black people, no, it's not the same at all, but please forgive my unpolitical correctness, i should've said "trash", or, go fuck yourself.


we know for a fact
that at least one person gave a shit about this.

we know for a fact
that at least one person gave a shit about this.

we know for a fact
that at least one person gave a shit about this.

what on earth
would make anyone sane attend this? juggalos are the lowest forms of white trash. fucking embarrassing.


the man made of melted wax condemning another for being too plastic. cute.

but it's hilaaaaarious. plus everything else he does is easy enough to ignore. if it weren't for avclub i wouldn't know what the fuck he's up to, and it's my choice to click on the link and be bemused. small price to pay for so many precious memories.

we get that, just not whatever the fuck he meant.

i hope using soft focus was one of his tips.

if she's good enough for tommy.. i'll pass.

as long as it isn't showed.