
I think it's probably the show's mission statement; remember, this isn't a show called "Richard & Friends" ot even "Pied Piper" — it's called Silicon Valley, and our frequent digressions to Gavin Belsom at Hooli, Laurie at Meniga don't seem like they are meant to build those characters so much as aid in the satirical

In later versions you could turn Clippy into something non-horrifying. I changed him into a kitty and suddenly had a best friend at work.

No need to apologize, just finish your sentence. Racist towards…?

"The Scooby Gang"

Our gaggle has about four dozen members, perhaps half of whom spend most of the work week bullshitting with each other, with the other half doing occasional pop-ins. To accommodate the various Venn diagrams of our interests, we've split off sub-channels specifically for politics conversations, coding conversations,

Me and my internet friends have a Slack. It is a chatroom, of pretty much the same kind we've been using for 15 years, plus a couple other features.

1) The bumpers were fine. They were solid punctuation. Don't sass the bumpers.

Back in episode 1 I put the over/under for Gary falling for her at 3 episodes. I was two episodes late and had the wrong character, but that's less wrong than I usually am.

I thought I smelled a rat at the receptionist's desk when she pointed him to the conference room where he was ambushed, but I'd forgotten he pettishly refused her directions and assumed he knew where he was going. Mea culpa, Raviga receptionist lady — you were just trying to help.

If I wanted to make the original Greatest Hits perfect, I'd cut the three Raised on Radio tracks and replace them with "Feeling That Way/Anytime" from Infinity. By '86 the hard-pop/rock genre was running on fumes as the burgeoning glam metal scene started cannibalizing the edgiest and more interesting aspects of its

The A.V. Club is an opinion and commentary website. Any journalism that happens here does so by accident.

What always gets me about that bit is that there seems to be a sudden flash of anger in his eyes between "Abso" and "Lutely." Like he wants to take a swing at the camera but restrains himself. Maybe I'm imagining it.

I guess I like the Deep Roads better because you've got the whole party with you, and you're getting treasure and XP. Plus, killing darkspawn seems a lot closer to the game's main emphasis — that is what a Grey Warden is for, after all — so I don't mind spending time practicing the most efficient ways to do it. :)

Dragon Age: Origins, a game I have spent hundreds of hours replaying and still enjoy immensely, has a vile little subquest about 4/5 of the way through the Circle Tower where you're trapped in the dream world ("The Fade") by a Demon of Sloth and forced to find your way out by a circuitous path that involves learning

I agree with both sentiments. I will say that it occupies that weird middle ground between "fairy tale" and "high fantasy" that often doesn't quite satisfy fans of either genre — fairy tale fans don't like graphic violence, and high fantasy fans allow themselves to be troubled by questions like "what do the peasants

If it's the same Ashley Ray-Harris who's a Williams grad (Go Fightin' Ephs!) and studied abroad in Hamburg, she's class of 2013. Making her all of 3-4 years old when The Usual Suspects hit theaters.

A mother having to ask her young daughter "Is there anything you love?" is a moment that can only happen on black-ish.

Because Maher has that off-putting social disease which makes someone believe that having a particular set of opinions about various social/cultural issues ipso facto makes them both a) smart and b) funny. Maher is the kind of guy you sort of wish would stay off your side because he finds the most condescending way

The one woman with multiple lines this week, and her character's name is "Jan the Man." Are we being trolled?

I'm pretty sure "Catherine — out!" is the "Sue, did the President call?" of Season 5.