
For real, that is the role I always imagine him in.

I love the comical little sad-face Richard makes after Amy snaps at him too.

It shares with some of its source material a larger concern with mood and symbolism than plot mechanics; one has to suspend a bit more disbelief than usual to appreciate what it brings to the table. (The dialogue can also be achingly arch and precious.) But as Alex points out, if you can get into the right frame of

One of the best things about the show is that she doesn't always look that lovely. It's not afraid to put her through the wringer and let her really show us what a tormented soul looks like.

A professional learns to make do, bubbelah.

If it makes any difference, the show has steadily raised the stakes from season to season, and all the characters are under a lot more pressure. The running joke in Season 1 is that the president never calls Selina's office, but she never stops hoping for it. Now she is the president, hoping to prevail in a

If it's OK with you, I'm going to call that the canonical New Hampshire story.

"Don't know why I said 'T'; my middle name is John."

Over/under on Gary making a pass at Selina's new SS detail?

I'll add that she was also a capable Joan Jett simulacrum in The Runaways, another film with a first-time director.

Same here. In my case I think it was kind of a "when are they going to get to the fireworks factory/sell some cocaine?" thing. I know it's not a new thing for the Archer crew to screw up their missions, but utterly failing to sell even an eight-ball before Pam devoured it all made the whole "we're drug dealers"

They invite passionate afficionados of x to attempt to explain its appeal and insult somebody at the same time, which is what internet commentary is for. Of course, some people skip the hard part.

I had an evil (but very interesting) idea a few weeks back that the writers could try to ship Claire and Stewart. She's hardly defined as a person at all at this point, but the moments when she seems most engaged with the people around her are when she and Stewart are teaming up to accomplish something, and the two

But Lenore’s complaints about Dean’s profession seem a little ridiculous. A woman had an open relationship with her husband, and had an affair with her previous lover Nigel, disapproves of her son’s very successful life because he didn’t settle down? That doesn’t jive with what we know about her.

Best Simpsons political episode (issues): Much Apu About Nothing. "OK men, here's the order of deportation. First we round up your tired, then your poor, then your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…"

It's funny, when Fox started airing this Handsome Older Man Comedy Hour block I wouldn't have picked the John Stamos family comedy as the one that would stick, but Grandfathered looks a bit more likely to get renewed than this one at this point, though both are officially "on the bubble."

There are a lot of characters, and Fred Savage already exists as the "voice of reason" so she doesn't have a built-in function. But the rest of the show is so well-written that I think they'll figure it out.

So, did anyone else get the impression that when Peter let go while hanging from the building, he was trying to kill himself?

Something they didn't get into very much, but is bound to be important if they're serious about pursuing the Renard-as-Mayor thing — Nick points out to Renard that a new precinct captain "won't know how we do things." And Renard agrees, "No, they won't."